id related_id class type/scale name relevance text help language validation mandatory encrypted other default same_default same_script allowed_filetypes alphasort answer_width answer_width_bycolumn array_filter array_filter_exclude array_filter_style assessment_value category_separator choice_input_columns choice_title commented_checkbox commented_checkbox_auto cssclass date_format date_max date_min display_columns display_rows display_type dropdown_dates dropdown_dates_minute_step dropdown_dates_month_style dropdown_prefix dropdown_prepostfix dropdown_separators dropdown_size dualscale_headerA dualscale_headerB em_validation_q em_validation_q_tip em_validation_sq em_validation_sq_tip equals_num_value equation exclude_all_others exclude_all_others_auto hidden hide_tip input_boxes input_size label_input_columns location_city location_country location_defaultcoordinates location_mapheight location_mapservice location_mapwidth location_mapzoom location_nodefaultfromip location_postal location_state max_answers max_filesize max_num_of_files max_num_value max_num_value_n max_subquestions maximum_chars min_answers min_num_of_files min_num_value min_num_value_n multiflexible_checkbox multiflexible_max multiflexible_min multiflexible_step num_value_int_only numbers_only other_comment_mandatory other_numbers_only other_replace_text page_break parent_order placeholder prefix printable_help public_statistics random_group random_order rank_title repeat_headings reverse samechoiceheight samelistheight scale_export show_comment show_grand_total show_title show_totals showpopups slider_accuracy slider_custom_handle slider_default slider_default_set slider_handle slider_layout slider_max slider_middlestart slider_min slider_orientation slider_rating slider_reset slider_reversed slider_separator slider_showminmax statistics_graphtype statistics_showgraph statistics_showmap suffix text_input_columns text_input_width time_limit time_limit_action time_limit_countdown_message time_limit_disable_next time_limit_disable_prev time_limit_message time_limit_message_delay time_limit_message_style time_limit_timer_style time_limit_warning time_limit_warning_2 time_limit_warning_2_display_time time_limit_warning_2_message time_limit_warning_2_style time_limit_warning_display_time time_limit_warning_message time_limit_warning_style use_dropdown value_range_allows_missing S sid 238835 S gsid 8 S admin "Jorge Peixoto Freitas" S adminemail S anonymized Y S format G S savetimings Y S template fruity S language en S additional_languages pt S datestamp Y S usecookie N S allowregister N S allowsave Y S autonumber_start 10 S autoredirect N S allowprev Y S printanswers N S ipaddr N S ipanonymize N S refurl N S showsurveypolicynotice 2 S publicstatistics N S publicgraphs N S listpublic N S htmlemail Y S sendconfirmation Y S tokenanswerspersistence N S assessments N S usecaptcha N S usetokens N S bounce_email S emailresponseto S emailnotificationto S tokenlength 15 S showxquestions N S showgroupinfo B S shownoanswer N S showqnumcode X S bounceprocessing N S showwelcome Y S showprogress Y S questionindex 0 S navigationdelay 0 S nokeyboard N S alloweditaftercompletion N S googleanalyticsstyle S googleanalyticsapikey S tokenencryptionoptions SL surveyls_survey_id 238835 pt SL surveyls_language pt pt SL surveyls_title pt SL surveyls_description pt SL surveyls_welcometext pt SL surveyls_endtext pt SL surveyls_policy_notice pt SL surveyls_policy_error pt SL surveyls_policy_notice_label pt SL surveyls_url pt SL surveyls_urldescription pt SL surveyls_email_invite_subj "Convite para participar num inquérito" pt SL surveyls_email_invite "Caro(a) {FIRSTNAME},

Foi convidado para participar num inquérito.

O inquérito é intitulado de:


Para participar, por favor, utilize o endereço abaixo.

Com os melhores cumprimentos,


Clique aqui para aceder ao inquérito:

Se não quer participar deste inquérito e não deseja receber mais convites clique p.f. na seguinte ligação:

Se estiver na lista negra mas quiser participar neste inquérito e pretender receber convites, por favor clique no seguinte link:
{OPTINURL}" pt SL surveyls_email_remind_subj "Lembrete para participar num inquérito" pt SL surveyls_email_remind "Caro(a) {FIRSTNAME}

Recentemente, foi convidado a participar num inquérito.

Notamos que ainda não completou o inquérito, e queremos relembrar que o inquérito ainda está disponível, caso queira tomar parte dele.

O inquérito tem o título:


Para participar, por favor, carregue no endereço abaixo.

Com os melhores cumprimentos,


Clique aqui para aceder ao inquérito:

Se não quer participar deste inquérito e não deseja receber mais convites clique p.f. na seguinte ligação:
{OPTOUTURL}" pt SL surveyls_email_register_subj "Confirmação do registo no inquérito" pt SL surveyls_email_register "Caro(a) {FIRSTNAME},

Registou-se, ou alguém utilizando o seu endereço de correio, para participar no inquérito com o título {SURVEYNAME}.

Para completar este inquérito, carregue no endereço:


Se tiver alguma pergunta sobre este inquérito, ou se não fez o registo para participar e considera este email um erro, por favor contacte {ADMINNAME} através do endereço electrónico {ADMINEMAIL}." pt SL surveyls_email_confirm_subj "Confirmação da sua participação no nosso inquérito" pt SL surveyls_email_confirm "Caro(a) {FIRSTNAME},

Este email confirma que completou o inquérito intitulado {SURVEYNAME} e que as suas respostas foram gravadas. Agradecemos a sua participação.

Se tiver outras perguntas relacionadas com este email, por favor, contacte {ADMINNAME} através do endereço electrónico {ADMINEMAIL}.

Com os melhores cumprimentos,

{ADMINNAME}" pt SL surveyls_dateformat 5 pt SL surveyls_alias pt SL email_admin_notification_subj "Resposta à submissão do inquérito {SURVEYNAME}" pt SL email_admin_notification "Hello,

A new response was submitted for your survey '{SURVEYNAME}'.

Click the following link to see the individual response:

Click the following link to edit the individual response:

View statistics by clicking here:
{STATISTICSURL}" pt SL email_admin_responses_subj "Resposta à submissão do inquérito {SURVEYNAME} incluíndo resultados" pt SL email_admin_responses "Hello,

A new response was submitted for your survey '{SURVEYNAME}'.

Click the following link to see the individual response:

Click the following link to edit the individual response:

View statistics by clicking here:

The following answers were given by the participant:
{ANSWERTABLE}" pt SL surveyls_numberformat 0 pt SL surveyls_survey_id 238835 en SL surveyls_language en en SL surveyls_title "RESET - Survey Template" en SL surveyls_description "

" en SL surveyls_welcometext "

We invite you to participate in a survey titled ""RESET large-scale Gender Equality study”. RESET - “Redesigning Equality and Scientific Excellence Together” is a European Commission funded project aiming to put gender equality and diversity at the heart of scientific and academic policy-making.

The purpose of this study is to evaluate and analyse gender related inequalities with an application of interdisciplinary approach.

This survey is anonymous. It will be filled online and it takes approximately xx minutes. You are able to interrupt it and resume at any moment.

Before making your decision to participate in this project, we ask you to read survey data policy. You are free to accept or refuse to participate in this survey. You can withdraw your consent at any time without incurring any liability or prejudice as a result.

" en SL surveyls_endtext "

Thank you for your participation.

If you have questions about this study or would like to have further information on the use of your data, you can contact: 

In case you have any ethical concerns, you can contact the Ethics Committee (name of the committee) at phone number or email.
You have the right to lodge a complaint with the French/other national data protection Authority, called ""National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties - CNIL"". 

" en SL surveyls_policy_notice "

Please note that the text in italics have to be adapted up to each institutional/local/national context


RESET large-scale survey

Version n°XX approved by the Ethics Committee (name of the local committee) on XX/XX/XXXX

Madam, Sir,

We invite you to participate in a survey titled ""RESET large-scale Gender Equality study”.  RESET - “Redesigning Equality and Scientific Excellence Together” is a European Commission funded project1 aiming to put gender equality and diversity at the heart of scientific and academic policy-making.  The purpose of this study is to evaluate and analyse gender related inequalities with an application of interdisciplinary approach. 

Before making your decision to participate in this project, we ask you to read this sheet. You are free to accept or refuse to participate in this survey.

The researcher responsible for this study is (name, surname). An assigned person (name, surname) takes care of the follow-up of this study. You can ask her or him any questions you may have.

This information sheet is designed to help you make a decision about whether or not to participate in this study. Before taking your decision, it is important that you understand why this study is ongoing, what it consists of and what it means for you.

Please take the time to carefully read the following information about the study (or have it read out for you) and ask any questions you wish. 

1. What is the purpose of this study?

This survey along with the discussions of local Focus Groups will enable  production of statistical data, and help to evaluate the  state of arts in terms of gender inequalities within XXX University and at the level of the consortium of partners. The RESET team will be able to identify the main obstacles and facilitators of gender equality within higher education and research institutions in different countries of Europe, namely in France, Portugal, Greece and Poland.

By evaluating the phenomenon of gender inequalities and discrimination in the academic world, this survey will make it possible to estimate the needs for gender equality measures and help to improve actions that correct gender inequalities by the means of Gender Equality Plan.

In addition to the new knowledge in social sciences that will be produced in this way, the analysis will deliver knowledge of general interest to:
- public institutions (national government bodies, European Commission)
- academic establishments where the survey is taking place (in particular their Equality and Diversity officers)
- unions or associations (staff unions, feminist, anti-racist or LGBT associations).

2. Why you?

Your contribution to this study is essential. It will be used to better understand the difficulties that you or your colleagues may encounter and better to evaluate the situation with gender equality within the institution. Even if you think you have no particular gender issues in your professional activity or your studies, your answers are important for researchers and for the representativeness of the statistics that will be produced.

3. Course of the study: 

The survey will be filled online and it takes approximately 30 minutes depending on your situation. You are able to interrupt it at any moment.

Choose a time when you will not be disturbed to answer the questionnaire and preferably use a computer or tablet (rather than a cell phone).

We would like to ask you to submit your answers till date. For any technical question, please contact reset@xxx.yy

4. What happens if you accept to participate?

You will have to fill in the consent form and provide answers to the RESET online questionnaire.

As part of the investigation, we will collect a certain amount of information about you. Some of this data is considered to be ""sensitive"" by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (sexual orientation, state of health, origin). Researchers have the right to collect them, only for the purposes of research and statistical production. They will be used for this sole purpose with your agreement in accordance with European and national rules on the protection of personal data.

There are few free response areas in the questionnaire. Participants are asked not to reveal their identity or elements that would allow them to be identified through the description of situations they have experienced; similarly, participants agree not to reveal elements that would allow a third party to be identified, either directly by name or indirectly through the description of situations they have experienced. The University will not use or retain any response or details that are considered directly or indirectly identifying. Any portion of the recorded form that is found to provide such information will be immediately and irrevocably deleted.

5. What are the benefits of participating in this study?

Your participation is valuable to allow us to define the most relevant set of actions to tackle gender inequalities in higher education.

6. What are the risks of participating in this study? 

There are no major risks to this participation, however, there are variations in the meanings people attach to their experience, and hence they might elicit different sentiments. Please refer to the last page of this sheet in order to have some additional information on internal and external support services provided by XXX university.

7. If you accept, is it possible to change your mind? 

Yes. You are completely free to accept or refuse to participate in the study. You are equally free to stop your participation in this study at any time. Due to the fact that all collected information is anonymous and no link with your identity can be set, there is a limitation in your rights related to access, rectification, erasure or limitation of processing.


8. What is the target audience of the study? 

The study is directed at all staff from the university of XXX and conducted by the consortium of partners. 

9. What happens when the study ends? 

An anonymized summary report of its results will be communicated to the entire community after September 2021. After this initial screening, a Gender Equality Plan for the University of XXX will be developed, proposed and widely discussed.

10. How is this study monitored?

This processing must be conducted according to a detailed protocol respecting national legislation and the GDPR norms.  Before the launch of this survey, the protocol has been reviewed by the DPOs and ethics committees from all participating institutions. An independent ethics advisor supervises the study progress to ensure the participants safety.

For any request for information about the survey or for any comments, you can contact the researchers who designed the at your institution [local email].

11. Who are the data recipients and what are my rights regarding my personal data collected during the study?

By participating in this study your data will be collected to the extent that it is strictly necessary for research, and they constitute ""personal data processing”, which is a subject of as such to the European provisions contained in the General Data Protection Regulation of April 27, 2016 (GDPR) and to national legislation on personal data protection. University of Bordeaux / Porto / Thessaloniki / Lodz is the Data Processing Controller, in accordance with the principles of personal data protection established by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union, (EU 2016/679), and coordinates research activities in the interest of public good and it is responsible for the proper management of your personal data.

The legal basis for this processing is your consent. 

No information that could identify the respondent is collected:

All responses will be processed by RESET's restricted scientific team from the  University of XXX and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece, the expertise of which will allow the statistical processing (univariate and multivariate analysis). All information will remain strictly confidential and the data transferred will undergo the procedure of encryption.

It will be stored according to existing regulations on main dedicated IT infrastructures under the responsibility of the University of AUTh (during the analysis) and the University XXX during the project duration and 5 years after the end of the project in order to enable the production of scientific and academic articles and presentations at the conferences by the members of the team. 

By filling in of the consent form, you declare that you have read this document, have been informed of the objectives of the RESET survey, the terms of your participation, freely consent to participate and accept the processing of your personal data under the conditions and for the purposes listed above as well as in the context of their re-use for projects with the same objectives. This consent is valid for as long as the research lasts and will be archived for 5 year after the end of the project (for scientific/reporting purposes).


If you have questions about this study or would like to have further information on the use of your data, you can contact: 

The responsible person of this study at your institution name at phone number 

The coordinator of the study for your country name, from name, at phone number

The Data Protection Officer: (position, address)

The Data Controller: University of... 

Scientific Coordinator of the Project: Asst. Prof. Marion Paoletti, Collège DSPEG, Faculté droit/science Po, av. Léon Duguit 33608 Pessac CEDEX

In case you have any ethical concerns, you can contact the Ethics Committee (name of the committee) at phone number or email.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the French/other national data protection Authority, called ""National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties - CNIL"". 




University of XXXX  as well RESET encourages freedom of speech concerning the issues related to the sexual harassment, violence or homophobia, and makes every effort to ensure that victims are heard and supported in their efforts. If you are a victim or if you witness behaviors punishable by law, do not hesitate to speak up and ask for help.

What should I do if I am a victim or witness?

A special unit against sexual harassment, sexist and homophobic violence exists at the University of Bordeaux. It provides a place for listening, guidance and support for victims or witnesses, and responds concretely and confidentially to situations brought to its attention, acting to prevent and dissuade any abusive behavior.

You may contact the unit by email:

Or address the other resource units of the University of Bordeaux:

Occupational Health Service 

Head of the service: 

An occupational psychologist: 

16 avenue Léon Duguit

33600 Pessac

Tram B - Arrêt Doyen Brus

T 05 40 00 60 60 or 05 40 00 37 11


Preventive medicine : 

CHSCT (Committee for Health, Safety and Working Conditions): Xavier Canron 

An occupational psychologist, mediator:  Pascale Pracros

A contact address to report discriminations: 

A person in charge of the Handicap mission: Eric Dugas 

A person in charge of the mission Equality, Parity and Diversity: Marion Paoletti 

Vict’AID - an association of help to victims, 

Accompaniment of women - victims 

T 05 56 01 28 69


Students’ Health service

22 avenue Pey-Berland

33600 Pessac

Tram B - Arrêt Doyen Brus

T 05 33 51 42 

" en SL surveyls_policy_error en SL surveyls_policy_notice_label "I have read the information sheet for potential participants" en SL surveyls_url "This process is conducted according to a detailed protocol respecting national legislation and the GDPR norms. Before the launch of this survey, the protocol has been reviewed by the DPOs and ethics committees from all participating institutions. An independent ethics advisor supervises the study progress to ensure the participants safety." en SL surveyls_urldescription en SL surveyls_email_invite_subj "Invitation to participate in a survey" en SL surveyls_email_invite "Dear {FIRSTNAME},

you have been invited to participate in a survey.

The survey is titled:


To participate, please click on the link below.



Click here to do the survey:

If you do not want to participate in this survey and don't want to receive any more invitations please click the following link:

If you are blacklisted but want to participate in this survey and want to receive invitations please click the following link:
{OPTINURL}" en SL surveyls_email_remind_subj "Reminder to participate in a survey" en SL surveyls_email_remind "Dear {FIRSTNAME},

Recently we invited you to participate in a survey.

We note that you have not yet completed the survey, and wish to remind you that the survey is still available should you wish to take part.

The survey is titled:


To participate, please click on the link below.



Click here to do the survey:

If you do not want to participate in this survey and don't want to receive any more invitations please click the following link:
{OPTOUTURL}" en SL surveyls_email_register_subj "Survey registration confirmation" en SL surveyls_email_register "Dear {FIRSTNAME},

You, or someone using your email address, have registered to participate in an online survey titled {SURVEYNAME}.

To complete this survey, click on the following URL:


If you have any questions about this survey, or if you did not register to participate and believe this email is in error, please contact {ADMINNAME} at {ADMINEMAIL}." en SL surveyls_email_confirm_subj "Confirmation of your participation in our survey" en SL surveyls_email_confirm "Dear {FIRSTNAME},

this email is to confirm that you have completed the survey titled {SURVEYNAME} and your response has been saved. Thank you for participating.

If you have any further questions about this email, please contact {ADMINNAME} on {ADMINEMAIL}.


{ADMINNAME}" en SL surveyls_dateformat 6 en SL surveyls_alias en SL email_admin_notification_subj "Response submission for survey {SURVEYNAME}" en SL email_admin_notification "Hello,

A new response was submitted for your survey '{SURVEYNAME}'.

Click the following link to see the individual response:

Click the following link to edit the individual response:

View statistics by clicking here:
{STATISTICSURL}" en SL email_admin_responses_subj "Response submission for survey {SURVEYNAME} with results" en SL email_admin_responses "Hello,

A new response was submitted for your survey '{SURVEYNAME}'.

Click the following link to see the individual response:

Click the following link to edit the individual response:

View statistics by clicking here:

The following answers were given by the participant:

I was offered the opportunity to participate in a survey about Gender Equality in Higher Education Institutions organized in the context of the European project RESET - Redesigning Equality and Scientific Excellence Together. At University of partner name this project is under the responsibility of Mrs./Mr. XXX

In order to make my decision, I consulted an information sheet providing details on the objectives and modalities of this participation. I understood this information and I had the time and opportunity to ask any questions I wanted.

If any questions or problems arise at any time during my participation, I may contact the team responsible for the research whose contact details are provided in the information letter. I am informed that this survey aims to enable production of statistical data, and helps to evaluate the state of arts in terms of gender inequalities, as well as to improve actions correcting gender inequalities by the means of a Gender Equality Plan.

The data collected present a personal data processing, which is a subject of as such to the European provisions contained in the General Data Protection Regulation of April 27, 2016 (GDPR) and to national legislation on personal data protection.

The questionnaire’s analysis will be conducted in accordance with the French / Polish / Portuguese / Greek and European legislation in force, it follows the GDPR and it has received a favorable opinion from the Ethics Committee of the University of Bordeaux / Porto / Lodz / Thessaloniki.

The University of XXX situated in XXX is the Data Processing Controller, in accordance with the principles of personal data protection established by the GDPR of the European Union, (EU 2016/679).

The purposes of the processing are recalled in the information sheet document.

I am informed that due to the complete anonymization of my data, my right to withdraw the consent to participate in this research at any time for any reason may be limited. 

My consent in no way exonerates the responsibility of those responsible for this research.

By clicking on the button at the bottom of this form, I declare that I have read the detailed information sheet, have been informed of the objectives of the RESET survey, the terms of my participation, freely consent to participate and accept the processing of my personal data under the conditions and for the purposes listed above. This consent is valid for as long as the project lasts and will be archived for 5 year after the end of the project (for scientific/reporting purposes).

" en 2580 Q Y C1 1 "

I accept that the data collected via this survey may be subject to computer processing by the local research team of the University XXX and the University of AUTh after the secure transfer within the EU and that confidentiality of these data is ensured. I am informed that a summary of the data retrieved through this questionnaire may be used in scientific and academic texts and communications and that my identity is not revealed.

" en Y N N 0 0 1 2604 Q Y C2 1 "

I agree to participate in this research under the conditions indicated in this and others documents and I certify that I was given a copy of the information sheet and a copy of my written consent that can be downloaded here.

" en Y N N 0 0 1 173 G 2 "1. Current employment" "((C1.NAOK == ""Y""))AND((C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" en 2582 Q ! CE1 1 "At which School/Unit do you currently work?" en Y N Y 0 0 1 1 "Other. Please specify" 2582 A 0 97 "I prefer not to answer" en 0 2583 Q L CE2 1 "What is your current employment status?" en Y N N 0 0 1 2583 A 0 1 A en 0 2583 A 0 2 B en 0 2583 A 0 3 C en 0 2583 A 0 4 D en 0 2583 A 0 97 "I prefer not to answer" en 0 2584 Q N CE3 1 "

How long have you been in this current employment status?

Please answer in years.

" en N N N 0 0 1 60 3 2585 Q N CE4 1 "How old were you when you started working in this University?" en N N N 0 0 1 3 2586 Q M CE5 1 "What type of work contract do you have with your employer?" en N N Y 0 0 1 "Other. Please specify" 2676 SQ SQ001 1 "Open-ended / permanent contract" en N N 0 0 2677 SQ SQ002 1 "Permanent tenured contract" en N N 0 0 2678 SQ SQ003 1 "Fixed-term contract" en N N 0 0 2679 SQ SQ004 1 "Part-time or fractional contract" en N N 0 0 2680 SQ SQ005 1 "Sessional contract" en N N 0 0 2681 SQ SQ006 1 "Hourly paid contract" en N N 0 0 2682 SQ SQ007 1 "Zero hours contract" en N N 0 0 2683 SQ SQ008 1 "Contract for service" en N N 0 0 2684 SQ SQ009 1 "Third party funded fellowship" en N N 0 0 2587 Q L CE6 1 "Your employment contract with the University is:" en N N N 0 0 1 2587 A 0 1 Exclusive en 0 2587 A 0 2 Non-exclusive en 0 2588 Q ! CE7 1 "What is your main scientific field of work? (If you work in more than one field, please select the one that takes most of your working hours)" en N N N 0 0 1 2588 A 0 1 Education en 0 2588 A 0 2 "Arts and Humanities " en 0 2588 A 0 3 "Social Sciences, Journalism and Information " en 0 2588 A 0 4 "Business, Administration and Law" en 0 2588 A 0 5 "Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics" en 0 2588 A 0 6 "Information and Communication Technologies " en 0 2588 A 0 7 "Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction" en 0 2588 A 0 8 "Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Veterinary" en 0 2588 A 0 9 "Health and Welfare" en 0 2588 A 0 10 Services en 0 2589 Q K CE8 1 "What percentage of your working time do you currently spend in each of the following areas? (Your answer should total 100%)" "If any of these activities are not applicable to you, please select ""0""." en N N N 0 0 1 100 5 0 1 100 0 1 2685 SQ SQ001 1 Teaching en N N 0 0 2686 SQ SQ002 1 "Research (including postgraduate supervision)" en N N 0 0 2687 SQ SQ003 1 "Academic administration" en N N 0 0 2688 SQ SQ004 1 "Knowledge transfer (e.g. Consultancy)" en N N 0 0 2689 SQ SQ005 1 "Decision-making boards (e.g. [examples to be described by institutions])" en N N 0 0 2690 SQ SQ006 1 Other en N N 0 0 177 G 3 "1. Current employment" "((C1.NAOK == ""Y"")) AND ((C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" en 2606 Q F CE9 1 "Below, you can find statements that academics often use to describe their experiences at their workplace. Please tell us to what extent do you agree or disagree with each statement." en N N N 0 0 1 1 2698 SQ SQ001 1 "I constantly feel under scrutiny by my colleagues " en N N 0 0 2699 SQ SQ002 1 "I feel able to express my opinions" en N N 0 0 2700 SQ SQ003 1 "I feel that my contribution to the unit/faculty is valued" en N N 0 0 2701 SQ SQ004 1 "I feel my preferences are not heard in relation to my research interests and career choices" en N N 0 0 2702 SQ SQ005 1 "My colleagues always seek my opinions on research ideas and problems" en N N 0 0 2703 SQ SQ006 1 "I feel that I do not ‘fit in’ easily at my unit/faculty" en N N 0 0 2704 SQ SQ007 1 "I work harder than my colleagues do, in order to be perceived as a legitimate scholar" en N N 0 0 2705 SQ SQ008 1 "I seldom have the opportunity to participate in important committees/meetings/projects" en N N 0 0 2706 SQ SQ009 1 "I have received encouragement from other colleagues to apply for a promotion" en N N 0 0 2707 SQ SQ010 1 "I am reluctant to bring up issues that concern me for fear that it will affect my career/promotion" en N N 0 0 2708 SQ SQ011 1 "There are many unwritten rules concerning how one is expected to interact with colleagues" en N N 0 0 2709 SQ SQ012 1 "My work environment is a considerable source of personal tension" en N N 0 0 2606 A 0 1 "Strongly disagree" en 0 2606 A 0 2 Disagree en 0 2606 A 0 3 "Neither disagree or agree" en 0 2606 A 0 4 Agree en 0 2606 A 0 5 "Strongly agree" en 0 2606 A 0 98 "Not applicable" en 0 174 G 4 "2. Career history and aspirations" "((C1.NAOK == ""Y""))AND((C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" en 2590 Q M CHA1 1 "Below you will find common ways of accessing academic positions. Please, select the ones that best describe how you got your current job. (please select all that apply)" en N N Y 0 0 1 "Other. Please specify" 2649 SQ SQ001 1 "A call was advertised, and I have applied" en N N 0 0 2650 SQ SQ002 1 "One of my professors/my supervisors offered me the position" en N N 0 0 2651 SQ SQ003 1 "I have friends/acquaintances in the academia who have recommended me for the position" en N N 0 0 2652 SQ SQ004 1 "I heard about the opportunity from my social network and applied" en N N 0 0 2653 SQ SQ005 1 "I have relatives in the academia who helped me get the position" en N N 0 0 2654 SQ SQ006 1 "I had been working without a work contract and got the job to formalize a pre-existing condition" en N N 0 0 2591 Q F CHA2 1 "Thinking about your career at this University, please rate your satisfaction regarding the following items:" en N N N 0 0 1 2710 SQ SQ001 1 "My overall career path" en N N 0 0 2711 SQ SQ002 1 "Opportunities of career progression " en N N 0 0 2712 SQ SQ003 1 "Assessment procedures/criteria used for career progression" en N N 0 0 2713 SQ SQ004 1 "My own success rate in career progression applications" en N N 0 0 2714 SQ SQ005 1 "My own success rate in fellowships applications" en N N 0 0 2715 SQ SQ006 1 "The course allocation system" en N N 0 0 2591 A 0 1 "Extremely dissatisfied" en 0 2591 A 0 2 Dissatisfied en 0 2591 A 0 3 "Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied" en 0 2591 A 0 4 Satisfied en 0 2591 A 0 5 "Extremely satisfied" en 0 2591 A 0 98 "Not applicable" en 0 2592 Q F CHA3 1 "Below you find a list of factors commonly considered to have a positive impact in academic careers. Please rate how each of them applies to your career." en N N N 0 0 1 2716 SQ SQ001 1 "Family support" en N N 0 0 2717 SQ SQ002 1 "Colleagues support" en N N 0 0 2718 SQ SQ003 1 "Hierarchical superiors support" en N N 0 0 2719 SQ SQ004 1 "Availability of time for work (beyond normal hours)" en N N 0 0 2720 SQ SQ005 1 "Good interpersonal relationships" en N N 0 0 2721 SQ SQ006 1 "Access to informal networks" en N N 0 0 2722 SQ SQ007 1 "Flexibility in working hours/workplace" en N N 0 0 2723 SQ SQ008 1 "Universities' career development measures (training, career mentoring/guidance, mobility grants, etc.)" en N N 0 0 2724 SQ SQ009 1 "Availability of resources (financial, material, etc...) to develop your work" en N N 0 0 2592 A 0 1 Never en 0 2592 A 0 2 Rarely en 0 2592 A 0 3 Sometimes en 0 2592 A 0 4 Frequently en 0 2592 A 0 5 "Very frequently" en 0 2592 A 0 98 "Not applicable" en 0 2607 Q F CHA4 1 "Now, considering negative impacts, please rate how each of the following items applies to your experience." en N N N 0 0 1 2725 SQ SQ001 1 "Instability of work contract" en N N 0 0 2726 SQ SQ002 1 "Difficult relationships with colleagues and/or hierarchical superiors" en N N 0 0 2727 SQ SQ003 1 "Lack of resources (financial, material, etc.) to do research/develop my work" en N N 0 0 2728 SQ SQ004 1 "Exclusion from or difficulty in accessing informal networks" en N N 0 0 2729 SQ SQ005 1 "Too much centrality given to metrics and bibliometric indicators in performance evaluation" en N N 0 0 2730 SQ SQ006 1 "Overload of bureaucratic/administrative work and/or poor secretarial support" en N N 0 0 2731 SQ SQ007 1 "Overload of teaching work" en N N 0 0 2732 SQ SQ008 1 "Limited opportunities for career progression" en N N 0 0 2733 SQ SQ009 1 "Lack of support for professional/career development by the University (training, mentoring/career guidance, mobility grants, etc.)" en N N 0 0 2734 SQ SQ010 1 "Difficulties conciliating professional and family life" en N N 0 0 2735 SQ SQ011 1 "Lack of family support" en N N 0 0 2736 SQ SQ012 1 "Not being available to work overtime" en N N 0 0 2737 SQ SQ013 1 "Personal choices" en N N 0 0 2607 A 0 1 Never en 0 2607 A 0 2 Rarely en 0 2607 A 0 3 Sometimes en 0 2607 A 0 4 Frequently en 0 2607 A 0 5 "Very frequently" en 0 2607 A 0 98 "Not applicable" en 0 2593 Q Y CHA5 1 "Do you currently hold, or have you ever held a senior management position in this University?" en N N N 0 0 1 2594 Q M CHA5a "((CHA5.NAOK == ""Y""))" "How did you get that position?" en N N Y 0 0 1 "Other. Please specify" 185 2593 C 1 238835X174X2593 '== Y 2655 SQ SQ001 1 "I was encouraged to apply for the position " en N N 0 0 2656 SQ SQ002 1 "I have decided myself to run " en N N 0 0 2657 SQ SQ003 1 "I was nominated/elected for the position" en N N 0 0 2595 Q M CHA5b "((CHA5.NAOK == ""N""))" "Why have you never held such position?" en N N Y 0 0 1 "Other. Please specify" 173 2593 C 1 238835X174X2593 '== N 2658 SQ SQ001 1 "I have no interest in the position" en N N 0 0 2659 SQ SQ002 1 "I wanted but someone else was nominated/elected" en N N 0 0 2660 SQ SQ003 1 "I am still not senior enough for such positions" en N N 0 0 2661 SQ SQ004 1 "I feel that it isn’t attainable" en N N 0 0 2662 SQ SQ005 1 "I feel I lack the necessary skills for that position" en N N 0 0 2663 SQ SQ006 1 "I have never thought about it" en N N 0 0 2596 Q Y CHA5c "((CHA5.NAOK == ""N""))" "

Do you expect to achieve a senior management position in the future?

" en N N N 0 0 1 182 2593 C 1 238835X174X2593 '== N 2597 Q M CHA5d "((CHA5.NAOK == ""N"") and (CHA5c.NAOK == ""N""))" "Why do you feel you will not achieve a senior management position in the future?" en N N Y 0 0 1 "Other. Please specify" 183 2596 C 1 238835X174X2596 '== N 184 2593 C 1 238835X174X2593 '== N 2664 SQ SQ001 1 "I have no interest in such a position" en N N 0 0 2665 SQ SQ002 1 "I feel that it is not attainable" en N N 0 0 2666 SQ SQ003 1 "I feel I lack the necessary skills for that position" en N N 0 0 2667 SQ SQ004 1 "I Never thought about it" en N N 0 0 2668 SQ SQ005 1 "I prefer not to answer" en N N 0 0 178 G 5 "3. Career and well-being during COVID-19" "((C1.NAOK == ""Y"")) AND ((C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" "Careers and well-being have recently been altered due to the pandemic situation.
Below, we present some questions to understand what impact this event had on you. There are no right or wrong answers. We just want to know your personal opinion." en 2608 Q F COV1 1 "Comparing to the period before the pandemic, to what extent do you..." en N N N 0 0 1 10 2839 SQ SQ001 1 "...feel that you need more hours in the day to do all the things that are expected from you" en N N 0 0 2840 SQ SQ002 1 "...find the work that you do full of meaning and purpose" en N N 0 0 2841 SQ SQ003 1 "...feel that you cannot ever catch up" en N N 0 0 2842 SQ SQ004 1 "...feel enthusiastic about your job" en N N 0 0 2843 SQ SQ005 1 "...feel that you do not ever have any time for yourself" en N N 0 0 2844 SQ SQ006 1 "...feel that your job inspires you" en N N 0 0 2845 SQ SQ007 1 "...feel that there are times when you cannot meet everyone’s expectations" en N N 0 0 2846 SQ SQ008 1 "...proud of the work that you do" en N N 0 0 2847 SQ SQ009 1 "...feel that you might lose your job due to COVID-19 pandemic" en N N 0 0 2848 SQ SQ010 1 "...your job is challenging to you" en N N 0 0 2849 SQ SQ011 1 "...submit scientific articles/working preprints" en N N 0 0 2850 SQ SQ012 1 "...submit applications for funding of research project" en N N 0 0 2851 SQ SQ013 1 "...dedicate your time to research work or laboratory work" en N N 0 0 2852 SQ SQ014 1 "...organize/attend scientific meetings" en N N 0 0 2853 SQ SQ015 1 "...dedicate yourself to prepare and teach classes" en N N 0 0 2854 SQ SQ016 1 "...dedicate yourself to follow-up students, assess papers and exams" en N N 0 0 2855 SQ SQ017 1 "...dedicate yourself to the supervision of PhD, Masters or Bachelor students " en N N 0 0 2856 SQ SQ018 1 "...dedicate yourself to faculty bureaucratic tasks (institutional meetings, preparation of documents etc.)" en N N 0 0 2608 A 0 1 "Much less frequent than before" en 0 2608 A 0 2 "Less frequent than before" en 0 2608 A 0 3 "Equal as before" en 0 2608 A 0 4 "More frequent than before" en 0 2608 A 0 5 "Much more frequent than before" en 0 2608 A 0 98 "Not applicable" en 0 2609 Q F COV2 1 en N N N 0 0 1 2857 SQ SQ001 1 "...that work should be the primary priority " en N N 0 0 2858 SQ SQ002 1 "...employees who are highly committed to their personal lives cannot be highly committed to their work " en N N 0 0 2859 SQ SQ003 1 "...that attending to personal needs, should not take place " en N N 0 0 2860 SQ SQ004 1 "...that individuals who take time to attend to personal matters are not committed to their work " en N N 0 0 2861 SQ SQ005 1 "...that the most productive employees are those who put their work before their family life " en N N 0 0 2862 SQ SQ006 1 "...that the ideal employee is the one who is available 24 hours a day" en N N 0 0 2609 A 0 1 "Strongly disagree" en 0 2609 A 0 2 Disagree en 0 2609 A 0 3 "Neither disagree or agree" en 0 2609 A 0 4 Agree en 0 2609 A 0 5 "Strongly agree" en 0 2609 A 0 98 "Not applicable" en 0 2610 Q F COV3 1 "

Please indicate to what extent do you agree with the following sentences:

" en N N N 0 0 1 7 2863 SQ SQ001 1 "The COVID-19 pandemic has created greater pressure on academics to balance their professional and personal lives." en N N 0 0 2864 SQ SQ002 1 "I believe the COVID-19 pandemic will have a negative impact on my career in the medium and long term." en N N 0 0 2865 SQ SQ003 1 "The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on my professional activities was minimal." en N N 0 0 2866 SQ SQ004 1 "Since I started working from home, I feel pressure to be constantly online for work reasons." en N N 0 0 2867 SQ SQ005 1 "Working from home has allowed me to manage my work and family responsabilities effectively. " en N N 0 0 2868 SQ SQ006 1 "The COVID-19 pandemic has created more opportunities to work with international research teams." en N N 0 0 2869 SQ SQ007 1 "The COVID-19 pandemic had a negative impact on my health (physical and/or mental)." en N N 0 0 2870 SQ SQ008 1 "The COVID-19 pandemic has allowed me to develop new skills and new ways of doing effectively my work." en N N 0 0 2871 SQ SQ009 1 "After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, I feel that I have missed opportunities for academic work that I consider important." en N N 0 0 2872 SQ SQ010 1 "My institution considered my family responsibilities (e.g. caring for children and/or dependents) when allocated academic activities during the COVID-19 pandemic" en N N 0 0 2873 SQ SQ011 1 "During the COVID-19 pandemic I had to work outside the usual hours to be able to complete my work activities" en N N 0 0 2874 SQ SQ012 1 "During the COVID-19 pandemic I often felt guilty for not dedicating the time and energy I consider appropriate to my family " en N N 0 0 2875 SQ SQ013 1 "During the COVID-19 pandemic I often felt guilty for not dedicating the time and energy I consider appropriate to my work" en N N 0 0 2876 SQ SQ014 1 "During the COVID-19 pandemic my family financial situation has been negativelly impacted." en N N 0 0 2610 A 0 1 "Strongly disagree" en 0 2610 A 0 2 Disagree en 0 2610 A 0 3 "Neither disagree or agree" en 0 2610 A 0 4 Agree en 0 2610 A 0 5 "Strongly agree" en 0 2610 A 0 98 "Not applicable" en 0 175 G 6 "4. Work-life balance" "((C1.NAOK == ""Y""))AND((C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" en 2598 Q 1 WLB1 1 "Thinking about the balance between your professional and personal/family life, please tell us how often do you…" en N N N 0 0 "Before 2020" Nowadays 1 2878 SQ SQ001 1 "...keep worrying about work problems when you are not working?" en N N 0 0 2879 SQ SQ002 1 "...feel too tired after work to enjoy the things you would like to do at home?" en N N 0 0 2880 SQ SQ003 1 "...find that your job prevents you from using the time you want to your partner or family ?" en N N 0 0 2881 SQ SQ004 1 "...find that your partner or family gets fed up with the pressure of your job? " en N N 0 0 2882 SQ SQ005 1 "...find that your family responsibilities prevent you from giving the time you should to your job?" en N N 0 0 2883 SQ SQ006 1 "...find it difficult to concentrate on work because of your family responsibilities?" en N N 0 0 2884 SQ SQ007 1 " on Saturdays or Sundays?" en N N 0 0 2598 A 0 1 Never en 0 2598 A 1 1 Never en 0 2598 A 0 2 Rarely en 0 2598 A 1 2 Rarely en 0 2598 A 0 3 Sometimes en 0 2598 A 1 3 Sometimes en 0 2598 A 0 4 Frequently en 0 2598 A 1 4 Frequently en 0 2598 A 0 5 "Very frequently" en 0 2598 A 1 5 "Very frequently" en 0 2599 Q F WLB2 1 en N N N 0 0 1 2738 SQ WLB2 1 "How satisfied are you with the current balance between your professional and personal life?" en N N 0 0 2599 A 0 1 "Extremely dissatisfied" en 0 2599 A 0 2 Dissatisfied en 0 2599 A 0 3 "Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied" en 0 2599 A 0 4 Satisfied en 0 2599 A 0 5 "Extremely satisfied" en 0 2611 Q F WLB2c 1 en N N N 0 0 1 2877 SQ WLB2c 1 "

Compared to the period before the pandemic.

Do you feel this balance has…

" en N N 0 0 2611 A 0 1 "Decreased a lot" en 0 2611 A 0 2 Decreased en 0 2611 A 0 3 "No change" en 0 2611 A 0 4 Increased en 0 2611 A 0 5 "Increased a lot" en 0 2601 Q K WLB3 1 "

Considering a standard working day for you, how many hours per day do you currently spend on each of the following activities?

" "If any of these activities are not applicable to you, please select ""0""." en N N N 0 0 1 24 0.5 0 1 24 0 2669 SQ SQ001 1 Work/Study en N N 0 0 2670 SQ SQ002 1 "Household chores: Cooking, doing laundry, cleaning the house, shopping for home, etc." en N N 0 0 2671 SQ SQ003 1 "Childcare: hygiene, feeding, transport, studying, playing, etc." en N N 0 0 2672 SQ SQ004 1 "Caring for dependent adults" en N N 0 0 2673 SQ SQ005 1 "Sports or physical activity" en N N 0 0 2674 SQ SQ006 1 "Leisure and personal care" en N N 0 0 2675 SQ SQ007 1 Sleeping en N N 0 0 2612 Q K WLB3c 1 "Think now how a ordinary working day was like in your life before the Covid-19 pandemic. How many hours per day did you spend on each of the following activities?" "If any of these activities are not applicable to you, please select ""0""." en N N N 0 0 1 24 0.5 0 1 24 0 2739 SQ SQ001 1 Work/Study en N N 0 0 2740 SQ SQ002 1 "Household chores: Cooking, doing laundry, cleaning the house, shopping for home, etc." en N N 0 0 2741 SQ SQ003 1 "Childcare: hygiene, feeding, transport, studying, playing, etc." en N N 0 0 2742 SQ SQ004 1 "Caring for dependent adults" en N N 0 0 2743 SQ SQ005 1 "Sports or physical activity" en N N 0 0 2744 SQ SQ006 1 "Leisure and personal care" en N N 0 0 2745 SQ SQ007 1 Sleeping en N N 0 0 2613 Q F WLB4 1 "How often did or do you work from home?" en N N N 0 0 1 2746 SQ SQ001 1 "Before the COVID-19 pandemic" en N N 0 0 2747 SQ SQ002 1 Nowadays en N N 0 0 2613 A 0 1 Never en 0 2613 A 0 2 Rarely en 0 2613 A 0 3 Sometimes en 0 2613 A 0 4 Frequently en 0 2613 A 0 5 "Very frequently" en 0 2614 Q M WLB4c "((WLB4_SQ002.NAOK > 2))" "Select the best description of your working conditions at home:" en N N Y 0 0 "Other. Please specify" 213 2613 C 1 238835X175X2613SQ002 > 2 2748 SQ SQ001 1 "I have the necessary equipments (e.g. laptop) provided by my institution." en N N 0 0 2749 SQ SQ002 1 "I have my own workspace (e.g. dedicated room to work at home)" en N N 0 0 2750 SQ SQ003 1 "I have a shared workspace (e.g. dedicated room to work from home shared with another family member)." en N N 0 0 2751 SQ SQ004 1 "I work in a common area of the house (e.g. living room)" en N N 0 0 183 G 7 "4. Work-life balance" "((C1.NAOK == ""Y"")) AND ((C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" en 2581 Q L DI8 1 "Do you have children? (Please include both biological and non-biological children)" en Y N N 0 0 1 2581 A 0 1 Yes en 0 2581 A 0 2 No en 0 2581 A 0 97 "I prefer not to answer" en 0 2615 Q F WLB5 "(((!is_empty(DI8.NAOK) && (DI8.NAOK == 1))))" en N N N 0 0 1 207 2581 C 1 238835X183X2581 '== 1 2752 SQ WLB5 1 "To what extent do you consider that becoming a mother/father has impacted your scientific career?" en N N 0 0 2615 A 0 1 "No impact" en 0 2615 A 0 2 "Negative impact" en 0 2615 A 0 3 "Positive impact" en 0 2615 A 0 4 "Both, positive and negative" en 0 2616 Q M WLB5a "(((!is_empty(WLB5_WLB5.NAOK) && (WLB5_WLB5.NAOK == 2)))) or (((!is_empty(WLB5_WLB5.NAOK) && (WLB5_WLB5.NAOK == 4))))" "In what domains did you perceive this negative impact?" en N N Y 0 0 "Other. Please specify" 208 2615 C 1 238835X183X2615WLB5 '== 2 209 2615 C 2 238835X183X2615WLB5 '== 4 2885 SQ SQ001 1 "Reduced opportunities to career progression " en N N 0 0 2886 SQ SQ002 1 "Reduced invitations/nominations for management positions" en N N 0 0 2887 SQ SQ003 1 "Reduced opportunity to participate in scientific research teams" en N N 0 0 2888 SQ SQ004 1 "Reduced contacts and networks participation" en N N 0 0 2889 SQ SQ005 1 "Reduced scientific production (e.g. articles, communications...) " en N N 0 0 2890 SQ SQ006 1 "Resume to previous teaching courses" en N N 0 0 2891 SQ SQ007 1 "Decreased availability to participate in competitive projects" en N N 0 0 2617 Q Y WLB6 1 "Have you taken any family related leave while working at this University?" en N N N 0 0 1 2618 Q K WLB6a "((WLB6.NAOK == ""Y""))" "Please select all that apply and indicate how many leaves you have taken:" en N N N 1 0 1 3 2 2 212 2617 C 1 238835X183X2617 '== Y 2753 SQ SQ001 1 "Maternity Leave" en N N 0 0 0 2754 SQ SQ002 1 "Paternity Leave" en N N 0 0 0 2755 SQ SQ003 1 "Adoption Leave" en N N 0 0 0 2756 SQ SQ004 1 "Parental Leave" en N N 0 0 0 2757 SQ SQ005 1 "Leave for other caring responsibilities" en N N 0 0 0 2619 Q F WLB6b "((WLB6.NAOK == ""Y""))" en N N N 0 0 1 211 2617 C 1 238835X183X2617 '== Y 2758 SQ SQ001 1 "To what extent have you experienced any resistance from your institution when taking those leaves?" en N N 0 0 2619 A 0 1 "No resistance" en 0 2619 A 0 2 "Some resistance" en 0 2619 A 0 3 "Great resistance" en 0 2620 Q M WLB6c "((WLB6.NAOK == ""Y""))" "What support(s), if any, did you receive from the University during and after your family related leave(s)?" en N N Y 0 0 "Other. Please specify" 210 2617 C 1 238835X183X2617 '== Y 2759 SQ SQ001 1 "I had no support from my University during or/and after my leave" en N N 0 0 2760 SQ SQ002 1 "I was given clear information about my rights and responsibilities during or prior to the leave" en N N 0 0 2761 SQ SQ003 1 "I was offered opportunities during my leave to keep in touch with job updates" en N N 0 0 2762 SQ SQ004 1 "I was given the chance of pursuing research, publication and/or funding applications during the leave" en N N 0 0 2763 SQ SQ005 1 "I was offered the option of flexible working options after my leave" en N N 0 0 2764 SQ SQ006 1 "I was given reduced teaching or service responsibilities (to allow me to focus on research, publications and/or funding applications) after my leave" en N N 0 0 2621 Q F WLB6d "((WLB6.NAOK == ""Y""))" en N N N 0 0 1 206 2617 C 1 238835X183X2617 '== Y 2765 SQ SQ001 1 "To what extent did you experience any difficulties in returning to work after those leaves?" en N N 0 0 2621 A 0 1 "No difficulties" en 0 2621 A 0 2 "Some difficulties" en 0 2621 A 0 3 "A lot of difficulties" en 0 2600 Q 1 WLB7 1 "Are you aware of the existence of the following rights/services/measures available at the University?
Despite its existence, please rate the relevance of such measures in terms of enhancing of work-life balance at your university." en N N N 0 0 Existence Relevance 1 2893 SQ SQ001 1 "Parenting support measures 1" en N N 0 0 2894 SQ SQ002 1 "Parenting support measures 2" en N N 0 0 2895 SQ SQ003 1 "Parenting support measures 3" en N N 0 0 2896 SQ SQ004 1 "Health care measures 1" en N N 0 0 2897 SQ SQ005 1 "Health care measures 2" en N N 0 0 2898 SQ SQ006 1 "Health care measures 3" en N N 0 0 2899 SQ SQ007 1 "Flexible work measures 1" en N N 0 0 2900 SQ SQ008 1 "Flexible work measures 2" en N N 0 0 2901 SQ SQ009 1 "Flexible work measures 3" en N N 0 0 2600 A 0 1 "I know it does not exist" en 0 2600 A 1 1 "Not relevant at all" en 0 2600 A 0 2 "I do not know if it exists" en 0 2600 A 1 2 "Rather not relevant" en 0 2600 A 0 3 "I know it exists" en 0 2600 A 1 3 "Rather relevant" en 0 2600 A 1 4 "Very relevant" en 0 2600 A 0 97 "I prefer not to answer" en 0 180 G 8 "5. Gender dimension in academia" "((C1.NAOK == ""Y"")) AND ((C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" en 2622 Q F GDA1 "((CE8_SQ001.NAOK > """"))" "To what extent do you integrate each of the following dimensions in your teaching practices? " en N N N 0 0 1 205 2589 C 1 238835X173X2589SQ001 > 2766 SQ SQ001 1 "Encouraging students to work in mixed gender groups" en N N 0 0 2767 SQ SQ002 1 "Preparing students to become gender-sensitive professionals" en N N 0 0 2768 SQ SQ003 1 "Including gender-sensitive resources (bibliography and others) in the syllabus of the courses for which you are responsible" en N N 0 0 2769 SQ SQ004 1 "Including in the syllabus at least one class dedicated to the gender dimenson" en N N 0 0 2770 SQ SQ005 1 "Making students aware of the gender stereotypes associated with the field of knowledge of the course unit" en N N 0 0 2771 SQ SQ006 1 "Making students aware of the gender inequalities they will face one day as professionals" en N N 0 0 2772 SQ SQ007 1 "Using gender-sensitive language" en N N 0 0 2773 SQ SQ008 1 "Inviting a gender diverse set of academics to deliver lectures at your classes" en N N 0 0 2622 A 0 1 Never en 0 2622 A 0 2 Rarely en 0 2622 A 0 3 Sometimes en 0 2622 A 0 4 Frequently en 0 2622 A 0 5 "Very frequently" en 0 2623 Q F GDA2 "((CE8_SQ002.NAOK > """"))" "To what extent do you integrate each of the following dimensions in your research?" en N N N 0 0 1 204 2589 C 1 238835X173X2589SQ002 > 2774 SQ SQ001 1 "Ensuring gender balance in the project team and in decision-making" en N N 0 0 2775 SQ SQ002 1 "Formulating research question(s) considering gender diversity" en N N 0 0 2776 SQ SQ003 1 "Checking whether your research problem has different impacts depending on gender" en N N 0 0 2777 SQ SQ004 1 "Looking for studies with a gender perspective when preparing the literature review for the research" en N N 0 0 2778 SQ SQ005 1 "Being cautious against projecting stereotypical gender roles throughout the research" en N N 0 0 2779 SQ SQ006 1 "Using gender sensitive language" en N N 0 0 2780 SQ SQ007 1 "Disaggregating data by sex and/or gender " en N N 0 0 2781 SQ SQ008 1 "Reporting data in a gender-sensitive manner" en N N 0 0 2782 SQ SQ009 1 "Ensuring that the benefits of the research are gender-inclusive" en N N 0 0 2623 A 0 1 Never en 0 2623 A 0 2 Rarely en 0 2623 A 0 3 Sometimes en 0 2623 A 0 4 Frequently en 0 2623 A 0 5 "Very frequently" en 0 2624 Q 1 GDA3 1 "Institutions can adopt and/or develop additional measures to promote diversity and gender equality. Are you aware of the existence of the following rights/services/measures available at the University? Despite its existence, please rate the relevance of such measures at your university." en N N N 0 0 Existence Relevance 1 2783 SQ SQ001 1 "Formal structures supporting Gender Equality (e.g. Gender Equality Office)" en N N 0 0 2784 SQ SQ002 1 "Use of Gender-Sensitive Language" en N N 0 0 2785 SQ SQ003 1 "Policies tackling harrasment issues (e.g. reporting system)" en N N 0 0 2786 SQ SQ004 1 "Equal access to training on the digitalization processes (programming, social networks, basic skills…) " en N N 0 0 2787 SQ SQ005 1 "Initiatives that support cultures of equality and diversity" en N N 0 0 2624 A 0 1 "I know it does not exist" en 0 2624 A 1 1 "Not relevant at all" en 0 2624 A 0 2 "I do not know if it exists" en 0 2624 A 1 2 "Rather not relevant" en 0 2624 A 0 3 "I know it exists" en 0 2624 A 1 3 "Rather relevant" en 0 2624 A 1 4 "Very relevant" en 0 2624 A 0 97 "I prefer not to answer" en 0 2625 Q S GDA3a 1 "If you are aware of other needed/relevant measures, please describe." "Participants are asked not to reveal their identity or elements that would allow them to be identified through the description of situations they have experienced. The University will not use or retain any response or details that are considered directly or indirectly identifying. Any portion of the recorded form that is found to provide such information will be immediately and irrevocably deleted." en N N N 0 0 1 181 G 9 "6. Inequalities and discrimination" "((C1.NAOK == ""Y"")) AND ((C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" en 2626 Q F ID1 1 "At this University, have you ever felt disadvantaged because of your:" en N N N 0 0 1 2788 SQ SQ001 1 Sex/gender en N N 0 0 2789 SQ SQ002 1 "Sexual orientation identity/expression or sexual characteristics" en N N 0 0 2790 SQ SQ003 1 Age en N N 0 0 2791 SQ SQ004 1 Disability en N N 0 0 2792 SQ SQ005 1 Nationality en N N 0 0 2793 SQ SQ006 1 Religion en N N 0 0 2794 SQ SQ007 1 "Skin colour" en N N 0 0 2892 SQ SQ008 1 Other en N N 0 0 2626 A 0 1 Yes en 0 2626 A 0 2 No en 0 2626 A 0 98 "Not applicable" en 0 2647 Q S ID1o "(((!is_empty(ID1_SQ008.NAOK) && (ID1_SQ008.NAOK == 1))))" "You mentioned ""Other"". Please specify." en N N N 0 0 1 6 218 2626 C 1 238835X181X2626SQ008 '== 1 2627 Q M ID1a "(((!is_empty(ID1_SQ001.NAOK) && (ID1_SQ001.NAOK == 1)))) or (((!is_empty(ID1_SQ002.NAOK) && (ID1_SQ002.NAOK == 1)))) or (((!is_empty(ID1_SQ003.NAOK) && (ID1_SQ003.NAOK == 1)))) or (((!is_empty(ID1_SQ004.NAOK) && (ID1_SQ004.NAOK == 1)))) or (((!is_empty(ID1_SQ005.NAOK) && (ID1_SQ005.NAOK == 1)))) or (((!is_empty(ID1_SQ006.NAOK) && (ID1_SQ006.NAOK == 1)))) or (((!is_empty(ID1_SQ007.NAOK) && (ID1_SQ007.NAOK == 1)))) or (((!is_empty(ID1_SQ008.NAOK) && (ID1_SQ008.NAOK == 1))))" "You indicated that you felt disadvantaged. How did it materialize?" en N N Y 0 0 "Other. Please specify" 174 2626 C 8 238835X181X2626SQ008 '== 1 175 2626 C 7 238835X181X2626SQ007 '== 1 176 2626 C 6 238835X181X2626SQ006 '== 1 177 2626 C 5 238835X181X2626SQ005 '== 1 178 2626 C 4 238835X181X2626SQ004 '== 1 179 2626 C 3 238835X181X2626SQ003 '== 1 180 2626 C 1 238835X181X2626SQ001 '== 1 181 2626 C 2 238835X181X2626SQ002 '== 1 2795 SQ SQ001 1 "In written documents/messages/emails" en N N 0 0 2796 SQ SQ002 1 "In official institutional communication/contents" en N N 0 0 2797 SQ SQ003 1 "In visual elements/signs within the physical environment" en N N 0 0 2798 SQ SQ004 1 "In oral language while interacting with others" en N N 0 0 2799 SQ SQ005 1 "By the way you were treated by your superiors" en N N 0 0 2800 SQ SQ006 1 "By the way you were treated by your colleagues" en N N 0 0 2628 Q F ID2 1 "At this University, have you ever been in a situation where you witnessed someone being discriminated because of their:" en N N N 0 0 1 2902 SQ SQ001 1 Sex/gender en N N 0 0 2903 SQ SQ002 1 "Sexual orientation identity/expression or sexual characteristics" en N N 0 0 2904 SQ SQ003 1 Age en N N 0 0 2905 SQ SQ004 1 Disability en N N 0 0 2906 SQ SQ005 1 Nationality en N N 0 0 2907 SQ SQ006 1 "Ethnicity " en N N 0 0 2908 SQ SQ007 1 Religion en N N 0 0 2909 SQ SQ008 1 "Skin colour" en N N 0 0 2910 SQ SQ009 1 Other en N N 0 0 2628 A 0 1 Yes en 0 2628 A 0 2 No en 0 2628 A 0 98 "Not applicable" en 0 2648 Q S ID2o "(((!is_empty(ID2_SQ009.NAOK) && (ID2_SQ009.NAOK == 1))))" "You mentioned ""Other"". Please specify." en N N N 0 0 1 6 219 2628 C 1 238835X181X2628SQ009 '== 1 2629 Q F ID3 1 "At your current working place, have you ever experienced or observed any of the following?" en N N N 0 0 1 2801 SQ SQ001 1 "Offensive jokes or comments of sexual nature" en N N 0 0 2802 SQ SQ002 1 "Explicit, unwanted and repetitive proposals of sexual nature" en N N 0 0 2803 SQ SQ003 1 "Offensive sexual phone calls, letters, sms, e-mails or images" en N N 0 0 2804 SQ SQ004 1 "Intrusive and offensive questions about private life" en N N 0 0 2805 SQ SQ005 1 "Unwanted physical contact (touching, grabbing, groping, kissing or attempted kissing)" en N N 0 0 2806 SQ SQ006 1 "Mobbing (workplace bullying)" en N N 0 0 2807 SQ SQ007 1 "Sexual assault or attempted sexual assault" en N N 0 0 2808 SQ SQ008 1 "Requests for sexual favors associated with promises of getting good grades, relief from academic demands, or special support in academic tasks" en N N 0 0 2809 SQ SQ009 1 "Stalking (being followed persistently) " en N N 0 0 2810 SQ SQ010 1 Other en N N 0 0 2629 A 0 1 Experienced en 0 2629 A 0 2 Observed en 0 2629 A 0 3 Both en 0 2629 A 0 4 Neither en 0 2631 Q M ID3a "(((!is_empty(ID3_SQ001.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ001.NAOK < 4)))) or (((!is_empty(ID3_SQ002.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ002.NAOK < 4)))) or (((!is_empty(ID3_SQ003.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ003.NAOK < 4)))) or (((!is_empty(ID3_SQ004.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ004.NAOK < 4)))) or (((!is_empty(ID3_SQ005.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ005.NAOK < 4)))) or (((!is_empty(ID3_SQ006.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ006.NAOK < 4)))) or (((!is_empty(ID3_SQ007.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ007.NAOK < 4)))) or (((!is_empty(ID3_SQ008.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ008.NAOK < 4)))) or (((!is_empty(ID3_SQ009.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ009.NAOK < 4)))) or (((!is_empty(ID3_SQ010.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ010.NAOK < 4))))" "How did you react?" en N N Y 0 0 "Other. Please specify" 194 2629 C 4 238835X181X2629SQ004 < 4 195 2629 C 5 238835X181X2629SQ005 < 4 196 2629 C 6 238835X181X2629SQ006 < 4 197 2629 C 7 238835X181X2629SQ007 < 4 198 2629 C 8 238835X181X2629SQ008 < 4 199 2629 C 9 238835X181X2629SQ009 < 4 200 2629 C 10 238835X181X2629SQ010 < 4 201 2629 C 3 238835X181X2629SQ003 < 4 202 2629 C 1 238835X181X2629SQ001 < 4 203 2629 C 2 238835X181X2629SQ002 < 4 2911 SQ SQ001 1 "I did nothing" en N N 0 0 2912 SQ SQ002 1 "I contacted one of universities help services (e.g. counselling, social services, gender equality office) " en N N 0 0 2913 SQ SQ003 1 "I had an informall conversation with a colleague" en N N 0 0 2914 SQ SQ004 1 "I had an informall conversation with my friends and/or family" en N N 0 0 2915 SQ SQ005 1 "I spoke to my superior" en N N 0 0 2916 SQ SQ006 1 "I did not know how to react" en N N 0 0 2630 Q S ID3b "(((!is_empty(ID3_SQ010.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ010.NAOK < 4))))" "You said you have experienced/observed other ways of harassment or discrimination. Can you describe it?" "Participants are asked not to reveal their identity or elements that would allow them to be identified through the description of situations they have experienced. The University will not use or retain any response or details that are considered directly or indirectly identifying. Any portion of the recorded form that is found to provide such information will be immediately and irrevocably deleted." en N N N 0 0 1 193 2629 C 1 238835X181X2629SQ010 < 4 182 G 10 "7. Training" "((C1.NAOK == ""Y"")) AND ((C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" "

[Institution] will implement a Gender Equality Plan that may include training actions.

Gender equality training has been considered to cover a wide range of different educational tools and processes: face-to-face training events and courses of study; staff induction; online modules; guidance materials and related resources; consultancy arrangements; and networks for sharing expertise (EIGE, 2013).

" en 2632 Q L T1 1 "Have you ever attended a Gender Equality or Diversity training?" en N N N 0 0 2632 A 0 1 "Yes, I have participated in one (or more) promoted by my University" en 0 2632 A 0 2 "Yes, I have participated in one (or more) not related to my University" en 0 2632 A 0 3 "No, although I am aware that my University promotes them" en 0 2632 A 0 4 "No, and I am not aware about their existence at the University" en 0 2633 Q S T1a "(((!is_empty(T1.NAOK) && (T1.NAOK == 1)))) or (((!is_empty(T1.NAOK) && (T1.NAOK == 2))))" "Please specify what training did you take." "Participants are asked not to reveal their identity or elements that would allow them to be identified through the description of situations they have experienced. The University will not use or retain any response or details that are considered directly or indirectly identifying. Any portion of the recorded form that is found to provide such information will be immediately and irrevocably deleted." en N N N 0 0 191 2632 C 2 238835X182X2632 '== 2 192 2632 C 1 238835X182X2632 '== 1 2634 Q F T2 1 en N N N 0 0 1 2811 SQ SQ001 1 "To what extent do you think that Gender Equality, and Diversity training is relevant?" en N N 0 0 2634 A 0 1 "Not relevant at all" en 0 2634 A 0 2 "Rather not relevant" en 0 2634 A 0 3 "Rather relevant" en 0 2634 A 0 4 "Very relevant" en 0 2635 Q L T3 "((T2_SQ001.NAOK > 1))" "And which form of training would you prefer?" en N N N 0 0 1 190 2634 C 1 238835X182X2634SQ001 > 1 2635 A 0 1 "Short intensive training (4 to 8 hours)" en 0 2635 A 0 2 "Medium duration training (16 to 30 hours)" en 0 2635 A 0 3 "Long training (30 to 40 hours)" en 0 2636 Q M T4 "((238835X182XSQ001.NAOK > 1))" "Who should be the primary targets these training actions?" en N N Y 0 0 "Other. Please specify" 2812 SQ SQ001 1 "PhD Students" en N N 0 0 2813 SQ SQ002 1 "Teachers and Researchers" en N N 0 0 2814 SQ SQ003 1 Staff en N N 0 0 2815 SQ SQ004 1 "Middle management" en N N 0 0 2816 SQ SQ005 1 "Top management" en N N 0 0 2637 Q M T5 "((238835X182XSQ001.NAOK > 1))" "Which modalities of training do you prefer?" en N N N 0 0 1 2817 SQ SQ001 1 "On site" en N N 0 0 2818 SQ SQ002 1 "E-learning synchronous" en N N 0 0 2819 SQ SQ003 1 "E-learning asynchronous" en N N 0 0 2820 SQ SQ004 1 "Blended learning" en N N 0 0 2637 A 0 A1 "Short intensive training (4 to 8 hours)" en 0 2637 A 0 A2 "Medium duration training (16 to 30 hours)" en 0 2637 A 0 A3 "Long training (30 to 40 hours)" en 0 2638 Q M T6 "((238835X182XSQ001.NAOK > 1))" "Which formats/training strategies would you prefer?" en N N Y 0 0 1 2821 SQ SQ001 1 "Lecture (with Q&A)" en N N 0 0 2822 SQ SQ002 1 Tutorial en N N 0 0 2823 SQ SQ003 1 "Case study" en N N 0 0 2824 SQ SQ004 1 "Showcase of best practices" en N N 0 0 2825 SQ SQ005 1 "Meeting with the expert" en N N 0 0 2826 SQ SQ006 1 Project en N N 0 0 2827 SQ SQ007 1 Workshop en N N 0 0 179 G 11 "8. Demographic Information" "((C1.NAOK == ""Y"")) AND ((C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" en 2639 Q N DI1 1 "What is your year of birth?" en N N N 0 0 1 4 2021 1900 3 2640 Q M DI2 1 "Please state your gender identity:" en Y N Y 0 0 1 "If you prefer, self-identify yourself" 2828 SQ SQ001 1 Man en N N 0 0 2829 SQ SQ002 1 Woman en N N 0 0 2830 SQ SQ003 1 Transgender en N N 0 0 2831 SQ SQ004 1 Cisgender en N N 0 0 2832 SQ SQ005 1 "Genderqueer or gender fluid" en N N 0 0 2833 SQ SQ006 1 Non-binary en N N 0 0 2834 SQ SQ007 1 "Questioning or unsure" en N N 0 0 2835 SQ SQ008 1 "Prefer not to disclose" en N N 0 0 2641 Q L DI3 1 "What is your nationality?" en N N N 0 0 1 2641 A 0 1 "National (by birth)" en 0 2641 A 0 2 "National (by acquisition)" en 0 2641 A 0 3 "Foreigners (foreign nationals)" en 0 2641 A 0 4 "Immigrant (foreign-born)" en 0 2642 Q L DI4 1 "What is your region of birth?" en N N N 0 0 1 2642 A 0 1 "Europe - EU Member" en 0 2642 A 0 2 "Europe - Non EU Member" en 0 2642 A 0 3 "Northern Africa" en 0 2642 A 0 4 "Sub-Saharan Africa" en 0 2642 A 0 5 "Latin America/Caribbean" en 0 2642 A 0 6 "Northern America" en 0 2642 A 0 7 "Central Asia" en 0 2642 A 0 8 "Eastern/South Eastern/Southern Asia" en 0 2642 A 0 9 "Western Asia" en 0 2642 A 0 10 "Australia/New Zealand" en 0 2643 Q Y DI5 1 "

Do you have any kind of disability (e.g. Sensorial; Motor; Intellectual; Developmental)?

" en N N N 0 0 1 2644 Q L DI6 1 "Please state your marital status:" en N N Y 0 0 1 "Other. Please specify" 2644 A 0 1 Single en 0 2644 A 0 2 "I have a partner" en 0 2644 A 0 3 "Civil Union" en 0 2644 A 0 4 "Married " en 0 2644 A 0 5 "Remarried " en 0 2644 A 0 6 "Divorced or separated" en 0 2644 A 0 7 Widow en 0 2645 Q Y DI7 "(((!is_empty(DI6.NAOK) && (DI6.NAOK == 2)) or (!is_empty(DI6.NAOK) && (DI6.NAOK == 3)) or (!is_empty(DI6.NAOK) && (DI6.NAOK == 4)) or (!is_empty(DI6.NAOK) && (DI6.NAOK == 5))))" "

You indicated that you have a relationship. During working days, do you live in the same household as your partner?

" en N N N 0 0 1 186 2644 C 2 238835X179X2644 '== 2 187 2644 C 2 238835X179X2644 '== 3 188 2644 C 2 238835X179X2644 '== 4 189 2644 C 2 238835X179X2644 '== 5 2605 Q : DI9 "(((!is_empty(DI8.NAOK) && (DI8.NAOK == 1))))" "You told us that you have children. How old are they?" "For children under 1 year,  please mention only how many months." en N N N 0 0 15 1 2 172 2581 C 1 238835X183X2581 '== 1 2691 SQ SQ001 1 "Child 1" en N N 0 0 2696 SQ 1 SQ001 years en N N 0 0 2692 SQ SQ002 1 "Child 2" en N N 0 0 2697 SQ 1 SQ002 months en N N 0 0 2693 SQ SQ003 1 "Child 3" en N N 0 0 2694 SQ SQ004 1 "Child 4" en N N 0 0 2695 SQ SQ005 1 "Child 5" en N N 0 0 2646 Q M DI10 1 "Do your daily activities include taking care of other people?" en N N Y 0 0 2836 SQ SQ001 1 "Yes, of children" en N N 0 0 2837 SQ SQ002 1 "Yes, of adult persons requiring assistance with activities of daily living due to old age/long-standing illness/disability" en N N 0 0 2838 SQ SQ003 1 "No, I do not provide care to other people" en N N 0 0 176 G 12 "Final Comment" en 2603 Q T FC1 "((C1.NAOK == ""Y"") and (C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" "We have reached the end of our questionnaire. On behalf of the whole team we would like to thank you for your participation and contribution to our study. If you wish to add any additional information, you can do so in the space below. Please press the  Submit  button." "Participants are asked not to reveal their identity or elements that would allow them to be identified through the description of situations they have experienced. The University will not use or retain any response or details that are considered directly or indirectly identifying. Any portion of the recorded form that is found to provide such information will be immediately and irrevocably deleted." en N N N 0 0 214 2580 C 1 238835X172X2580 '== Y 215 2604 C 1 238835X172X2604 '== Y 2602 Q T FC2 "((C1.NAOK == ""N"")) or ((C2.NAOK == ""N""))" "Thank you for your time. If you wish to leave a comment, you can do so in the space below and then press the  Submit  button. Otherwise you can simply close this window on your computer." "Participants are asked not to reveal their identity or elements that would allow them to be identified through the description of situations they have experienced. The University will not use or retain any response or details that are considered directly or indirectly identifying. Any portion of the recorded form that is found to provide such information will be immediately and irrevocably deleted." en N N N 0 0 216 2580 C 1 238835X172X2580 '== N 217 2604 C 2 238835X172X2604 '== N 172 G 1 Consent pt 2580 Q Y C1 1 "I declare that I have read all the information, that I am aware of the objectives, and that I accept to participate in this study, allowing the use of the data collected for the purposes of the research described in the terms presented in the participant information text." pt Y N N 0 0 2604 Q Y C2 1 "I declare that I have read all the information, that I am aware of the objectives, and that I accept to participate in this study, allowing the use of the data collected for the purposes of the research described in the terms presented in the participant information text." pt Y N N 0 0 173 G 2 "1. Current employment status" "((C1.NAOK == ""Y""))AND((C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" pt 2582 Q ! CE1 1 pt Y N Y 0 0 2582 A 0 97 pt 0 2583 Q L CE2 1 pt Y N N 0 0 2583 A 0 1 A pt 0 2583 A 0 2 B pt 0 2583 A 0 3 C pt 0 2583 A 0 4 D pt 0 2583 A 0 97 "I prefer not to answer" pt 0 2584 Q N CE3 1 pt N N N 0 0 2585 Q N CE4 1 pt N N N 0 0 2586 Q M CE5 1 pt N N Y 0 0 2676 SQ SQ001 1 "Open-ended / permanent contract" pt N N 0 0 2677 SQ SQ002 1 "Permanent tenured contract" pt N N 0 0 2678 SQ SQ003 1 "Fixed-term contract" pt N N 0 0 2679 SQ SQ004 1 "Part-time or fractional contract" pt N N 0 0 2680 SQ SQ005 1 "Sessional contract" pt N N 0 0 2681 SQ SQ006 1 "Hourly paid contract" pt N N 0 0 2682 SQ SQ007 1 "Zero hours contract" pt N N 0 0 2683 SQ SQ008 1 "Contract for service" pt N N 0 0 2684 SQ SQ009 1 "Third party funded fellowship" pt N N 0 0 2587 Q L CE6 1 pt N N N 0 0 2587 A 0 1 Exclusive pt 0 2587 A 0 2 Non-exclusive pt 0 2588 Q ! CE7 1 pt N N N 0 0 2588 A 0 1 Education pt 0 2588 A 0 2 "Arts and Humanities " pt 0 2588 A 0 3 "Social Sciences, Journalism and Information " pt 0 2588 A 0 4 "Business, Administration and Law" pt 0 2588 A 0 5 "Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics" pt 0 2588 A 0 6 "Information and Communication Technologies " pt 0 2588 A 0 7 "Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction" pt 0 2588 A 0 8 "Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Veterinary" pt 0 2588 A 0 9 "Health and Welfare" pt 0 2588 A 0 10 Services pt 0 2589 Q K CE8 1 pt N N N 0 0 2685 SQ SQ001 1 Teaching pt N N 0 0 2686 SQ SQ002 1 "Research (including postgraduate supervision)" pt N N 0 0 2687 SQ SQ003 1 "Academic administration" pt N N 0 0 2688 SQ SQ004 1 "Knowledge transfer (e.g. Consultancy)" pt N N 0 0 2689 SQ SQ005 1 "Decision-making boards (e.g. [examples to be described by institutions])" pt N N 0 0 2690 SQ SQ006 1 Other pt N N 0 0 177 G 3 "((C1.NAOK == ""Y"")) AND ((C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" pt 2606 Q F CE9 1 pt N N N 0 0 2698 SQ SQ001 1 "I constantly feel under scrutiny by my colleagues " pt N N 0 0 2699 SQ SQ002 1 "I feel able to express my opinions" pt N N 0 0 2700 SQ SQ003 1 "I feel that my contribution to the unit/faculty is valued" pt N N 0 0 2701 SQ SQ004 1 "I feel my preferences are not heard in relation to my research interests and career choices" pt N N 0 0 2702 SQ SQ005 1 "My colleagues always seek my opinions on research ideas and problems" pt N N 0 0 2703 SQ SQ006 1 "I feel that I do not ‘fit in’ easily at my unit/faculty" pt N N 0 0 2704 SQ SQ007 1 "I work harder than my colleagues do, in order to be perceived as a legitimate scholar" pt N N 0 0 2705 SQ SQ008 1 "I seldom have the opportunity to participate in important committees/meetings/projects" pt N N 0 0 2706 SQ SQ009 1 "I have received encouragement from other colleagues to apply for a promotion" pt N N 0 0 2707 SQ SQ010 1 "I am reluctant to bring up issues that concern me for fear that it will affect my career/promotion" pt N N 0 0 2708 SQ SQ011 1 "There are many unwritten rules concerning how one is expected to interact with colleagues" pt N N 0 0 2709 SQ SQ012 1 "My work is a considerable source of personal tension" pt N N 0 0 2606 A 0 1 "Strongly Disagree" pt 0 2606 A 0 2 Disagree pt 0 2606 A 0 3 "Neither disagree or agree" pt 0 2606 A 0 4 Agree pt 0 2606 A 0 5 "Strongly Agree" pt 0 2606 A 0 98 "Not applicable" pt 0 174 G 4 "((C1.NAOK == ""Y""))AND((C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" pt 2590 Q M CHA1 1 pt N N Y 0 0 2649 SQ SQ001 1 "A call was advertised, and I have applied" pt N N 0 0 2650 SQ SQ002 1 "One of my professors / my supervisors offered me the position" pt N N 0 0 2651 SQ SQ003 1 "I have friends/acquaintances in the academia who have recommended me for the position" pt N N 0 0 2652 SQ SQ004 1 "I heard about the opportunity from my social network and applied" pt N N 0 0 2653 SQ SQ005 1 "I have relatives in the academia who helped me get the position" pt N N 0 0 2654 SQ SQ006 1 "I had been working without a work contract and got the job to formalize a pre-existing condition" pt N N 0 0 2591 Q F CHA2 1 pt N N N 0 0 2710 SQ SQ001 1 "My overall career path at this university" pt N N 0 0 2711 SQ SQ002 1 "Opportunities of career progression " pt N N 0 0 2712 SQ SQ003 1 "Assessment procedures/criteria used for career progression at this university" pt N N 0 0 2713 SQ SQ004 1 "My own success rate in career progression applications" pt N N 0 0 2714 SQ SQ005 1 "My own success rate in fellowships applications" pt N N 0 0 2715 SQ SQ006 1 "The course allocation system" pt N N 0 0 2591 A 0 1 "Extremely dissatisfied" pt 0 2591 A 0 2 Dissatisfied pt 0 2591 A 0 3 "Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied" pt 0 2591 A 0 4 Satisfied pt 0 2591 A 0 5 "Extremely satisfied" pt 0 2591 A 0 98 "Not applicable" pt 0 2592 Q F CHA3 1 pt N N N 0 0 2716 SQ SQ001 1 "Family support" pt N N 0 0 2717 SQ SQ002 1 "Colleagues support" pt N N 0 0 2718 SQ SQ003 1 "Hierarchical superiors support" pt N N 0 0 2719 SQ SQ004 1 "Availability of time for work (beyond normal hours)" pt N N 0 0 2720 SQ SQ005 1 "Good interpersonal relationships" pt N N 0 0 2721 SQ SQ006 1 "Access to informal networks" pt N N 0 0 2722 SQ SQ007 1 "Flexibility in working hours/workplace" pt N N 0 0 2723 SQ SQ008 1 "Universities' career development measures (training, career mentoring/guidance, mobility grants, etc.)" pt N N 0 0 2724 SQ SQ009 1 "Availability of resources (financial, material, etc...) to develop your work" pt N N 0 0 2592 A 0 1 Never pt 0 2592 A 0 2 Rarely pt 0 2592 A 0 3 Sometimes pt 0 2592 A 0 4 Frequently pt 0 2592 A 0 5 "Very frequently" pt 0 2592 A 0 98 pt 0 2607 Q F CHA4 1 pt N N N 0 0 2725 SQ SQ001 1 "Instability of work contract" pt N N 0 0 2726 SQ SQ002 1 "Difficult relationships with colleagues and/or hierarchical superiors" pt N N 0 0 2727 SQ SQ003 1 "Lack of resources (financial, material, etc.) to do research/develop my work" pt N N 0 0 2728 SQ SQ004 1 "Exclusion from / difficulty in accessing informal networks" pt N N 0 0 2729 SQ SQ005 1 "Too much centrality given to metrics and bibliometric indicators in performance evaluation" pt N N 0 0 2730 SQ SQ006 1 "Overload of bureaucratic/administrative work and/or poor secretarial support" pt N N 0 0 2731 SQ SQ007 1 "Overload of teaching work" pt N N 0 0 2732 SQ SQ008 1 "Limited opportunities for career progression" pt N N 0 0 2733 SQ SQ009 1 "Lack of support for professional/career development by the University (training, mentoring/career guidance, mobility grants, etc.)" pt N N 0 0 2734 SQ SQ010 1 "Difficulties conciliating professional and family life" pt N N 0 0 2735 SQ SQ011 1 "Lack of family support" pt N N 0 0 2736 SQ SQ012 1 "Not being available to work overtime" pt N N 0 0 2737 SQ SQ013 1 "Personal choices" pt N N 0 0 2607 A 0 1 Never pt 0 2607 A 0 2 Rarely pt 0 2607 A 0 3 Sometimes pt 0 2607 A 0 4 Frequently pt 0 2607 A 0 5 "Very frequently" pt 0 2607 A 0 98 pt 0 2593 Q Y CHA5 1 pt N N N 0 0 2594 Q M CHA5a "((CHA5.NAOK == ""Y""))" pt N N Y 0 0 2655 SQ SQ001 1 "I was encouraged to apply for the position " pt N N 0 0 2656 SQ SQ002 1 "I have decided myself to run " pt N N 0 0 2657 SQ SQ003 1 "I was nominated/elected for the position" pt N N 0 0 2595 Q M CHA5b "((CHA5.NAOK == ""N""))" pt N N Y 0 0 2658 SQ SQ001 1 "I have no interest in the position" pt N N 0 0 2659 SQ SQ002 1 "I wanted but someone else was nominated/elected" pt N N 0 0 2660 SQ SQ003 1 "I am still not senior enough for such positions" pt N N 0 0 2661 SQ SQ004 1 "I feel that it isn’t obtainable" pt N N 0 0 2662 SQ SQ005 1 "I feel I lack the necessary skills for that position" pt N N 0 0 2663 SQ SQ006 1 "Never thought about it" pt N N 0 0 2596 Q Y CHA5c "((CHA5.NAOK == ""N""))" pt N N N 0 0 2597 Q M CHA5d "((CHA5.NAOK == ""N"") and (CHA5c.NAOK == ""N""))" pt N N Y 0 0 2664 SQ SQ001 1 "I have no interest in such a position" pt N N 0 0 2665 SQ SQ002 1 "I feel that it is not obtainable" pt N N 0 0 2666 SQ SQ003 1 "I feel I lack the necessary skills for that position" pt N N 0 0 2667 SQ SQ004 1 "Never thought about it" pt N N 0 0 2668 SQ SQ005 1 "I prefer not to answer" pt N N 0 0 178 G 5 "((C1.NAOK == ""Y"")) AND ((C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" pt 2608 Q F COV1 1 pt N N N 0 0 2839 SQ SQ001 1 "...feel that you need more hours in the day to do all the things that are expected from you" pt N N 0 0 2840 SQ SQ002 1 "...find the work that you do full of meaning and purpose" pt N N 0 0 2841 SQ SQ003 1 "...feel that you cannot ever seem to catch up" pt N N 0 0 2842 SQ SQ004 1 "...feel enthusiastic about your job" pt N N 0 0 2843 SQ SQ005 1 "...feel that you do not ever seem to have any time for yourself" pt N N 0 0 2844 SQ SQ006 1 "...feel your job inspires you" pt N N 0 0 2845 SQ SQ007 1 "...feel that there are times when you cannot meet everyone’s expectations" pt N N 0 0 2846 SQ SQ008 1 "...proud of the work that you do" pt N N 0 0 2847 SQ SQ009 1 "...feel that you might lose your job due to COVID-19 pandemic" pt N N 0 0 2848 SQ SQ010 1 "...your job is challenging to you" pt N N 0 0 2849 SQ SQ011 1 "...submit scientific articles/working preprints" pt N N 0 0 2850 SQ SQ012 1 "...submit applications for funding of research project" pt N N 0 0 2851 SQ SQ013 1 "...dedicate to research field work or laboratory work" pt N N 0 0 2852 SQ SQ014 1 "...organize/attend scientific meetings" pt N N 0 0 2853 SQ SQ015 1 "...dedicate yourself to prepare and teach classes" pt N N 0 0 2854 SQ SQ016 1 "...dedicate yourself to follow-up students, grade papers and exams" pt N N 0 0 2855 SQ SQ017 1 "...dedicate yourself to the supervision of PhD, Masters or Bachelor students " pt N N 0 0 2856 SQ SQ018 1 "...dedicate yourself to faculty services (institutional meetings, preparation of documents etc)" pt N N 0 0 2608 A 0 1 "Much less frequent than before" pt 0 2608 A 0 2 "Less Frequent than before" pt 0 2608 A 0 3 "Equal as before" pt 0 2608 A 0 4 "More frequent than before" pt 0 2608 A 0 5 "Much More frequent than before" pt 0 2608 A 0 98 pt 0 2609 Q F COV2 1 pt N N N 0 0 2857 SQ SQ001 1 "...that work should be the primary priority " pt N N 0 0 2858 SQ SQ002 1 "...employees who are highly committed to their personal lives cannot be highly committed to their work " pt N N 0 0 2859 SQ SQ003 1 "...that attending to personal needs, such as taking time off for caring for family is frowned upon " pt N N 0 0 2860 SQ SQ004 1 "...that individuals who take time off to attend to personal matters are not committed to their work " pt N N 0 0 2861 SQ SQ005 1 "...that the most productive employees are those who put their work before their family life " pt N N 0 0 2862 SQ SQ006 1 "...that the ideal employee is the one who is available 24 hours a day" pt N N 0 0 2609 A 0 1 "Strongly Disagree" pt 0 2609 A 0 2 Disagree pt 0 2609 A 0 3 "Neither disagree or agree" pt 0 2609 A 0 4 Agree pt 0 2609 A 0 5 "Strongly Agree" pt 0 2609 A 0 98 "Not applicable" pt 0 2610 Q F COV3 1 pt N N N 0 0 2863 SQ SQ001 1 "The COVID-19 pandemic has created greater pressure on academics to balance their professional and personal lives." pt N N 0 0 2864 SQ SQ002 1 "I believe the COVID-19 pandemic will have a negative impact on my career in the medium and long term." pt N N 0 0 2865 SQ SQ003 1 "The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on my professional activities was minimal." pt N N 0 0 2866 SQ SQ004 1 "Since I started working from home, I feel pressure to be constantly online for work reasons." pt N N 0 0 2867 SQ SQ005 1 "Working from home has allowed me to manage my work and family responsabilities effectively. " pt N N 0 0 2868 SQ SQ006 1 "The COVID-19 pandemic has created more opportunities to work with international research teams." pt N N 0 0 2869 SQ SQ007 1 "The COVID-19 pandemic had a negative impact on my health (physical and/or mental)." pt N N 0 0 2870 SQ SQ008 1 "The COVID-19 pandemic has allowed me to develop new skills and new ways of doing effectively my work." pt N N 0 0 2871 SQ SQ009 1 "After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, I feel that I have missed opportunities for academic work that I consider important." pt N N 0 0 2872 SQ SQ010 1 "My institution considered my family responsabilities (e.g. caring for children and/or dependents) when allocated academic activities during the COVID-19 pandemic" pt N N 0 0 2873 SQ SQ011 1 "During the COVID-19 pandemic I had to work outside the usual hours to be able to complete my work activities" pt N N 0 0 2874 SQ SQ012 1 "During the COVID-19 pandemic I often felt guilty for not dedicating the time and energy I consider appropriate to my family " pt N N 0 0 2875 SQ SQ013 1 "During the COVID-19 pandemic I often felt guilty for not dedicating the time and energy I consider appropriate to my work" pt N N 0 0 2876 SQ SQ014 1 "During the COVID-19 pandemic my family financial situation has been negativelly impacted." pt N N 0 0 2610 A 0 1 "Strongly Disagree" pt 0 2610 A 0 2 Disagree pt 0 2610 A 0 3 "Neither disagree or agree" pt 0 2610 A 0 4 Agree pt 0 2610 A 0 5 "Strongly Agree" pt 0 2610 A 0 98 "Not applicable" pt 0 175 G 6 "((C1.NAOK == ""Y""))AND((C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" pt 2598 Q 1 WLB1 1 pt N N N 0 0 2878 SQ SQ001 1 "...keep worrying about work problems when you are not working?" pt N N 0 0 2879 SQ SQ002 1 "...feel too tired after work to enjoy the things you would like to do at home?" pt N N 0 0 2880 SQ SQ003 1 "...find that your job prevents you from giving the time you want to your partner or family ?" pt N N 0 0 2881 SQ SQ004 1 "...find that your partner or family gets fed up with the pressure of your job? " pt N N 0 0 2882 SQ SQ005 1 "...find that your family responsibilities prevent you from giving the time you should to your job?" pt N N 0 0 2883 SQ SQ006 1 "...find it difficult to concentrate on work because of your family responsibilities?" pt N N 0 0 2884 SQ SQ007 1 " on a Saturday or Sunday?" pt N N 0 0 2598 A 0 1 Never pt 0 2598 A 1 1 Never pt 0 2598 A 0 2 Rarely pt 0 2598 A 1 2 Rarely pt 0 2598 A 0 3 Sometimes pt 0 2598 A 1 3 Sometimes pt 0 2598 A 0 4 Frequently pt 0 2598 A 1 4 Frequently pt 0 2598 A 0 5 "Very frequently" pt 0 2598 A 1 5 "Very frequently" pt 0 2599 Q F WLB2 1 pt N N N 0 0 2738 SQ WLB2 1 pt N N 0 0 2599 A 0 1 "Extremely dissatisfied" pt 0 2599 A 0 2 Dissatisfied pt 0 2599 A 0 3 "Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied" pt 0 2599 A 0 4 Satisfied pt 0 2599 A 0 5 "Extremely satisfied" pt 0 2611 Q F WLB2c 1 pt N N N 0 0 2877 SQ WLB2c 1 pt N N 0 0 2611 A 0 1 "decreased a lot" pt 0 2611 A 0 2 decreased pt 0 2611 A 0 3 "no change" pt 0 2611 A 0 4 increased pt 0 2611 A 0 5 "increased a lot" pt 0 2601 Q K WLB3 1 pt N N N 0 0 2669 SQ SQ001 1 Work/Study pt N N 0 0 2670 SQ SQ002 1 "Household chores: Cooking, doing laundry, cleaning the house, shopping for home, etc." pt N N 0 0 2671 SQ SQ003 1 "Childcare: hygiene, feeding, transport, studying, playing, etc." pt N N 0 0 2672 SQ SQ004 1 "Caring for dependent adults" pt N N 0 0 2673 SQ SQ005 1 "Sports or physical activity" pt N N 0 0 2674 SQ SQ006 1 "Leisure and personal care" pt N N 0 0 2675 SQ SQ007 1 Sleeping pt N N 0 0 2612 Q K WLB3c 1 pt N N N 0 0 2739 SQ SQ001 1 Work/Study pt N N 0 0 2740 SQ SQ002 1 "Household chores: Cooking, doing laundry, cleaning the house, shopping for home, etc." pt N N 0 0 2741 SQ SQ003 1 "Childcare: hygiene, feeding, transport, studying, playing, etc." pt N N 0 0 2742 SQ SQ004 1 "Caring for dependent adults" pt N N 0 0 2743 SQ SQ005 1 "Sports or physical activity" pt N N 0 0 2744 SQ SQ006 1 "Leisure and personal care" pt N N 0 0 2745 SQ SQ007 1 Sleeping pt N N 0 0 2613 Q F WLB4 1 pt N N N 0 0 2746 SQ SQ001 1 "Before the COVID-19 pandemic" pt N N 0 0 2747 SQ SQ002 1 Nowadays pt N N 0 0 2613 A 0 1 Never pt 0 2613 A 0 2 Rarely pt 0 2613 A 0 3 Sometimes pt 0 2613 A 0 4 Frequently pt 0 2613 A 0 5 "Very frequently" pt 0 2614 Q M WLB4c "((WLB4_SQ002.NAOK > 2))" pt N N Y 0 0 2748 SQ SQ001 1 "I have the necessary equipments (e.g. laptop) made available by my institution." pt N N 0 0 2749 SQ SQ002 1 "I have a workspace of my own (e.g. dedicated room to work at home)" pt N N 0 0 2750 SQ SQ003 1 "I have a shared workspace (e.g. dedicated room to work from home shared with another family member)." pt N N 0 0 2751 SQ SQ004 1 "I worked in a common area of the house (e.g. living room)" pt N N 0 0 183 G 7 "((C1.NAOK == ""Y"")) AND ((C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" pt 2581 Q L DI8 1 "This survey has questions that imply parenthood.
Did/Do you have children? (Please include both biological and non-biological children)" pt Y N N 0 0 2581 A 0 1 Yes pt 0 2581 A 0 2 No pt 0 2581 A 0 97 "I prefer not to answer" pt 0 2615 Q F WLB5 "(((!is_empty(DI8.NAOK) && (DI8.NAOK == 1))))" pt N N N 0 0 2752 SQ WLB5 1 pt N N 0 0 2615 A 0 1 "No impact" pt 0 2615 A 0 2 "Negative impact" pt 0 2615 A 0 3 "Positive impact" pt 0 2615 A 0 4 "Both, positive and negative" pt 0 2616 Q M WLB5a "(((!is_empty(WLB5_WLB5.NAOK) && (WLB5_WLB5.NAOK == 2)))) or (((!is_empty(WLB5_WLB5.NAOK) && (WLB5_WLB5.NAOK == 4))))" pt N N Y 0 0 2885 SQ SQ001 1 "Reduced opportunities to career progression " pt N N 0 0 2886 SQ SQ002 1 "Reduced invites/nomination for management positions" pt N N 0 0 2887 SQ SQ003 1 "Reduced opportunity to participate in scientific research teams" pt N N 0 0 2888 SQ SQ004 1 "Reduced contacts and networks participation" pt N N 0 0 2889 SQ SQ005 1 "Reduced scientific production (e.g. articles, communications...) " pt N N 0 0 2890 SQ SQ006 1 "Resume to previous teaching classes " pt N N 0 0 2891 SQ SQ007 1 "Decreased availability to participate in competitive projects" pt N N 0 0 2617 Q Y WLB6 1 pt N N N 0 0 2618 Q K WLB6a "((WLB6.NAOK == ""Y""))" pt N N N 1 0 2753 SQ SQ001 1 "Maternity Leave" pt N N 0 0 2754 SQ SQ002 1 "Paternity Leave" pt N N 0 0 2755 SQ SQ003 1 "Adoption Leave" pt N N 0 0 2756 SQ SQ004 1 "Parental Leave" pt N N 0 0 2757 SQ SQ005 1 "Leave for other caring responsibilities" pt N N 0 0 2619 Q F WLB6b "((WLB6.NAOK == ""Y""))" pt N N N 0 0 2758 SQ SQ001 1 "To what extent have you experienced any resistance from your institution when taking those leaves?" pt N N 0 0 2619 A 0 1 "No resistance" pt 0 2619 A 0 2 Resistance pt 0 2619 A 0 3 "Great resistance" pt 0 2620 Q M WLB6c "((WLB6.NAOK == ""Y""))" pt N N Y 0 0 2759 SQ SQ001 1 "I had no support from my University during or/and after my leave" pt N N 0 0 2760 SQ SQ002 1 "I was given clear information about my rights and responsibilities during or prior to the leave" pt N N 0 0 2761 SQ SQ003 1 "I was offered opportunities during my leave to keep in touch with job updates" pt N N 0 0 2762 SQ SQ004 1 "I was given the chance of pursuing research, publication and/or funding applications during the leave" pt N N 0 0 2763 SQ SQ005 1 pt N N 0 0 2764 SQ SQ006 1 "I was given reduced teaching or service responsibilities (to allow me to focus on research, publications and/or funding applications) after my leave" pt N N 0 0 2621 Q F WLB6d "((WLB6.NAOK == ""Y""))" pt N N N 0 0 2765 SQ SQ001 1 "To what extent have you experienced any resistance from your institution when taking those leaves?" pt N N 0 0 2621 A 0 1 "No difficulties" pt 0 2621 A 0 2 Difficulties pt 0 2621 A 0 3 "A lot of difficulties" pt 0 2600 Q 1 WLB7 1 pt N N N 0 0 2893 SQ SQ001 1 "Parenting support measures 1" pt N N 0 0 2894 SQ SQ002 1 "Parenting support measures 2" pt N N 0 0 2895 SQ SQ003 1 "Parenting support measures 3" pt N N 0 0 2896 SQ SQ004 1 "Health care measures 1" pt N N 0 0 2897 SQ SQ005 1 "Health care measures 2" pt N N 0 0 2898 SQ SQ006 1 "Health care measures 3" pt N N 0 0 2899 SQ SQ007 1 "Flexible work measures 1" pt N N 0 0 2900 SQ SQ008 1 "Flexible work measures 2" pt N N 0 0 2901 SQ SQ009 1 "Flexible work measures 3" pt N N 0 0 2600 A 0 1 "I know it does not exist" pt 0 2600 A 1 1 "Not relevant at all" pt 0 2600 A 0 2 "I do not know if it exists" pt 0 2600 A 1 2 "Rather not relevant" pt 0 2600 A 0 3 "I know it exists" pt 0 2600 A 1 3 "Rather relevant" pt 0 2600 A 1 4 "Very relevant" pt 0 2600 A 0 97 "I prefer not to answer" pt 0 180 G 8 "((C1.NAOK == ""Y"")) AND ((C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" pt 2622 Q F GDA1 "((CE8_SQ001.NAOK > """"))" pt N N N 0 0 2766 SQ SQ001 1 "Encouraging students to work in mixed gender groups" pt N N 0 0 2767 SQ SQ002 1 "Preparing students to become gender-sensitive professionals" pt N N 0 0 2768 SQ SQ003 1 "Including gender-sensitive resources (bibliography and others) in the syllabus of the courses for which you are responsible" pt N N 0 0 2769 SQ SQ004 1 "Dedicating at least one class to the gender dimension included in the syllabus" pt N N 0 0 2770 SQ SQ005 1 "Making students aware of the gender stereotypes associated to the field of knowledge of the course unit" pt N N 0 0 2771 SQ SQ006 1 "Making students aware of the gender inequalities they will one day face as professionals " pt N N 0 0 2772 SQ SQ007 1 "Using gender-sensitive language" pt N N 0 0 2773 SQ SQ008 1 "Inviting a gender diverse set of academics to deliver lectures in your classes" pt N N 0 0 2622 A 0 1 Never pt 0 2622 A 0 2 Rarely pt 0 2622 A 0 3 Sometimes pt 0 2622 A 0 4 Frequently pt 0 2622 A 0 5 "Very frequently" pt 0 2623 Q F GDA2 "((CE8_SQ002.NAOK > """"))" pt N N N 0 0 2774 SQ SQ001 1 "Ensuring gender balance in the project team and in decision-making" pt N N 0 0 2775 SQ SQ002 1 "Formulating research question(s) considering gender diversity" pt N N 0 0 2776 SQ SQ003 1 "Checking whether your research problem has different gender impacts " pt N N 0 0 2777 SQ SQ004 1 "Looking for studies with a gender perspective when preparing the literature review for the research" pt N N 0 0 2778 SQ SQ005 1 "Cautioning against projecting stereotypical gender roles throughout the research" pt N N 0 0 2779 SQ SQ006 1 "Using gender sensitive language" pt N N 0 0 2780 SQ SQ007 1 "Disaggregating data by gender " pt N N 0 0 2781 SQ SQ008 1 "Reporting data in a gender-sensitive sensitive manner" pt N N 0 0 2782 SQ SQ009 1 "Ensuring that the benefits of the research are gender-inclusive" pt N N 0 0 2623 A 0 1 Never pt 0 2623 A 0 2 Rarely pt 0 2623 A 0 3 Sometimes pt 0 2623 A 0 4 Frequently pt 0 2623 A 0 5 "Very frequently" pt 0 2624 Q 1 GDA3 1 pt N N N 0 0 2783 SQ SQ001 1 "Formal structures supporting Gender Equality (e.g. Gender Equality Office)" pt N N 0 0 2784 SQ SQ002 1 "Use of Gender-Sensitive Language" pt N N 0 0 2785 SQ SQ003 1 "Harrasment tackling policies (e.g. reporting system)" pt N N 0 0 2786 SQ SQ004 1 "Equal access to training on the digitalization processes (programing, social networks, basic skills…) " pt N N 0 0 2787 SQ SQ005 1 "Initiatives supporting cultures of equality and diversity" pt N N 0 0 2624 A 0 1 "I know it does not exist" pt 0 2624 A 1 1 "Not relevant at all" pt 0 2624 A 0 2 "I do not know if it exists" pt 0 2624 A 1 2 "Rather not relevant" pt 0 2624 A 0 3 "I know it exists" pt 0 2624 A 1 3 "Rather relevant" pt 0 2624 A 1 4 "Very relevant" pt 0 2624 A 0 97 "I prefer not to answer" pt 0 2625 Q S GDA3a 1 pt N N N 0 0 181 G 9 "((C1.NAOK == ""Y"")) AND ((C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" pt 2626 Q F ID1 1 pt N N N 0 0 2788 SQ SQ001 1 Sex/gender pt N N 0 0 2789 SQ SQ002 1 "Sexual orientation identity/expression or sexual characteristics" pt N N 0 0 2790 SQ SQ003 1 Age pt N N 0 0 2791 SQ SQ004 1 Disability pt N N 0 0 2792 SQ SQ005 1 Nationality pt N N 0 0 2793 SQ SQ006 1 Religion pt N N 0 0 2794 SQ SQ007 1 Other pt N N 0 0 2892 SQ SQ008 1 pt N N 0 0 2626 A 0 1 Yes pt 0 2626 A 0 2 No pt 0 2626 A 0 98 "Not applicable" pt 0 2647 Q S ID1o "(((!is_empty(ID1_SQ008.NAOK) && (ID1_SQ008.NAOK == 1))))" pt N N N 0 0 2627 Q M ID1a "(((!is_empty(ID1_SQ001.NAOK) && (ID1_SQ001.NAOK == 1)))) or (((!is_empty(ID1_SQ002.NAOK) && (ID1_SQ002.NAOK == 1)))) or (((!is_empty(ID1_SQ003.NAOK) && (ID1_SQ003.NAOK == 1)))) or (((!is_empty(ID1_SQ004.NAOK) && (ID1_SQ004.NAOK == 1)))) or (((!is_empty(ID1_SQ005.NAOK) && (ID1_SQ005.NAOK == 1)))) or (((!is_empty(ID1_SQ006.NAOK) && (ID1_SQ006.NAOK == 1)))) or (((!is_empty(ID1_SQ007.NAOK) && (ID1_SQ007.NAOK == 1)))) or (((!is_empty(ID1_SQ008.NAOK) && (ID1_SQ008.NAOK == 1))))" pt N N Y 0 0 2795 SQ SQ001 1 "In written documents/messages/emails" pt N N 0 0 2796 SQ SQ002 1 "In official institutional communication/contents" pt N N 0 0 2797 SQ SQ003 1 "In visual elements/signs in the physical environment" pt N N 0 0 2798 SQ SQ004 1 "In oral language while interacting with others" pt N N 0 0 2799 SQ SQ005 1 "By how you were treated by your superiors" pt N N 0 0 2800 SQ SQ006 1 "By how you were treated by your colleagues" pt N N 0 0 2628 Q F ID2 1 pt N N N 0 0 2902 SQ SQ001 1 Sex/gender pt N N 0 0 2903 SQ SQ002 1 "Sexual orientation identity/expression or sexual characteristics" pt N N 0 0 2904 SQ SQ003 1 Age pt N N 0 0 2905 SQ SQ004 1 Disability pt N N 0 0 2906 SQ SQ005 1 Nationality pt N N 0 0 2907 SQ SQ006 1 "Ethnicity " pt N N 0 0 2908 SQ SQ007 1 Religion pt N N 0 0 2909 SQ SQ008 1 pt N N 0 0 2910 SQ SQ009 1 Other pt N N 0 0 2628 A 0 1 Yes pt 0 2628 A 0 2 No pt 0 2628 A 0 98 "Not applicable" pt 0 2648 Q S ID2o "(((!is_empty(ID2_SQ009.NAOK) && (ID2_SQ009.NAOK == 1))))" pt N N N 0 0 2629 Q F ID3 1 pt N N N 0 0 2801 SQ SQ001 1 "Offensive jokes or comments of sexual nature" pt N N 0 0 2802 SQ SQ002 1 "Explicit and unwanted proposals of sexual nature" pt N N 0 0 2803 SQ SQ003 1 "Offensive sexual phone calls, letters, sms, e-mails or images" pt N N 0 0 2804 SQ SQ004 1 "Intrusive and offensive questions about private life" pt N N 0 0 2805 SQ SQ005 1 "Unwanted physical contact (touching, grabbing, groping, kissing or attempted kissing)" pt N N 0 0 2806 SQ SQ006 1 "Mobbing (workplace bullying)" pt N N 0 0 2807 SQ SQ007 1 "Sexual assault or attempted sexual assault" pt N N 0 0 2808 SQ SQ008 1 "Requests for sexual favors associated with promises of getting good grades, relief from academic demands, or special support in academic tasks" pt N N 0 0 2809 SQ SQ009 1 "Stalking (being followed persistently) " pt N N 0 0 2810 SQ SQ010 1 Other pt N N 0 0 2629 A 0 1 Experienced pt 0 2629 A 0 2 Observed pt 0 2629 A 0 3 Both pt 0 2629 A 0 4 Neither pt 0 2631 Q M ID3a "(((!is_empty(ID3_SQ001.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ001.NAOK < 4)))) or (((!is_empty(ID3_SQ002.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ002.NAOK < 4)))) or (((!is_empty(ID3_SQ003.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ003.NAOK < 4)))) or (((!is_empty(ID3_SQ004.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ004.NAOK < 4)))) or (((!is_empty(ID3_SQ005.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ005.NAOK < 4)))) or (((!is_empty(ID3_SQ006.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ006.NAOK < 4)))) or (((!is_empty(ID3_SQ007.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ007.NAOK < 4)))) or (((!is_empty(ID3_SQ008.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ008.NAOK < 4)))) or (((!is_empty(ID3_SQ009.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ009.NAOK < 4)))) or (((!is_empty(ID3_SQ010.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ010.NAOK < 4))))" pt N N Y 0 0 2911 SQ SQ001 1 "I did nothing" pt N N 0 0 2912 SQ SQ002 1 "I contacted one of universities help services (e.g. counselling, social services, gender equality office) " pt N N 0 0 2913 SQ SQ003 1 "I had an informall conversation with a colleague" pt N N 0 0 2914 SQ SQ004 1 "I had an informall conversation with my friends and/or family" pt N N 0 0 2915 SQ SQ005 1 pt N N 0 0 2916 SQ SQ006 1 "I did not know how to react" pt N N 0 0 2630 Q S ID3b "(((!is_empty(ID3_SQ010.NAOK) && (ID3_SQ010.NAOK < 4))))" pt N N N 0 0 182 G 10 "((C1.NAOK == ""Y"")) AND ((C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" pt 2632 Q L T1 1 pt N N N 0 0 2632 A 0 1 "Yes, I have participated in one (or more) promoted by my University" pt 0 2632 A 0 2 "Yes, I have participated in one (or more) not related to my University" pt 0 2632 A 0 3 "No, although I am aware that my University promotes them" pt 0 2632 A 0 4 "No, and I am not aware about their existence in the University" pt 0 2633 Q S T1a "(((!is_empty(T1.NAOK) && (T1.NAOK == 1)))) or (((!is_empty(T1.NAOK) && (T1.NAOK == 2))))" pt N N N 0 0 2634 Q F T2 1 pt N N N 0 0 2811 SQ SQ001 1 pt N N 0 0 2634 A 0 1 "Not relevant at all" pt 0 2634 A 0 2 "Rather not relevant" pt 0 2634 A 0 3 "Rather relevant" pt 0 2634 A 0 4 "Very relevant" pt 0 2635 Q L T3 "((T2_SQ001.NAOK > 1))" pt N N N 0 0 2635 A 0 1 "Short intensive training (4 to 8 hours)" pt 0 2635 A 0 2 "Medium duration training (16 to 30 hours)" pt 0 2635 A 0 3 "Long training (30 to 40 hours)" pt 0 2636 Q M T4 "((238835X182XSQ001.NAOK > 1))" pt N N Y 0 0 2812 SQ SQ001 1 "PhD Students" pt N N 0 0 2813 SQ SQ002 1 "Teachers and Researchers" pt N N 0 0 2814 SQ SQ003 1 Staff pt N N 0 0 2815 SQ SQ004 1 "Middle management" pt N N 0 0 2816 SQ SQ005 1 "Top management" pt N N 0 0 2637 Q M T5 "((238835X182XSQ001.NAOK > 1))" pt N N N 0 0 2817 SQ SQ001 1 "On site" pt N N 0 0 2818 SQ SQ002 1 "E-learning Synchronous" pt N N 0 0 2819 SQ SQ003 1 "E-learning Asynchronous" pt N N 0 0 2820 SQ SQ004 1 "B-learning Synchronous" pt N N 0 0 2637 A 0 A1 "Short intensive training (4 to 8 hours)" pt 0 2637 A 0 A2 "Medium duration training (16 to 30 hours)" pt 0 2637 A 0 A3 "Long training (30 to 40 hours)" pt 0 2638 Q M T6 "((238835X182XSQ001.NAOK > 1))" pt N N Y 0 0 2821 SQ SQ001 1 "Lecture (with Q&A)" pt N N 0 0 2822 SQ SQ002 1 Tutorial pt N N 0 0 2823 SQ SQ003 1 "Case study" pt N N 0 0 2824 SQ SQ004 1 "Showcase of best practices" pt N N 0 0 2825 SQ SQ005 1 "Meeting with the expert" pt N N 0 0 2826 SQ SQ006 1 Project pt N N 0 0 2827 SQ SQ007 1 Workshop pt N N 0 0 179 G 11 "((C1.NAOK == ""Y"")) AND ((C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" pt 2639 Q N DI1 1 pt N N N 0 0 2640 Q M DI2 1 pt Y N Y 0 0 2828 SQ SQ001 1 Man pt N N 0 0 2829 SQ SQ002 1 Woman pt N N 0 0 2830 SQ SQ003 1 Transgender pt N N 0 0 2831 SQ SQ004 1 Cisgender pt N N 0 0 2832 SQ SQ005 1 "Genderqueer or gender fluid" pt N N 0 0 2833 SQ SQ006 1 Non-binary pt N N 0 0 2834 SQ SQ007 1 "Questioning or unsure" pt N N 0 0 2835 SQ SQ008 1 "Prefer not to disclose" pt N N 0 0 2641 Q L DI3 1 pt N N N 0 0 2641 A 0 1 "National (by birth)" pt 0 2641 A 0 2 "National (by acquisition)" pt 0 2641 A 0 3 "Foreigners (foreign nationals)" pt 0 2641 A 0 4 "Immigrant (foreign-born)" pt 0 2642 Q L DI4 1 pt N N N 0 0 2642 A 0 1 "Europe - EU Member" pt 0 2642 A 0 2 "Europe - Non EU Member" pt 0 2642 A 0 3 "Northern Africa" pt 0 2642 A 0 4 "Sub-Saharan Africa" pt 0 2642 A 0 5 "Latin America/Caribbean" pt 0 2642 A 0 6 "Northern America" pt 0 2642 A 0 7 "Central Asia" pt 0 2642 A 0 8 "Eastern/South Eastern/Southern Asia" pt 0 2642 A 0 9 "Western Asia" pt 0 2642 A 0 10 "Australia/New Zealand" pt 0 2643 Q Y DI5 1 pt N N N 0 0 2644 Q L DI6 1 pt N N Y 0 0 2644 A 0 1 Single pt 0 2644 A 0 2 "With a partner (in separate households)" pt 0 2644 A 0 3 "Civil Union" pt 0 2644 A 0 4 "Married " pt 0 2644 A 0 5 "Remarried " pt 0 2644 A 0 6 "Divorced or separated" pt 0 2644 A 0 7 Widow pt 0 2645 Q Y DI7 "(((!is_empty(DI6.NAOK) && (DI6.NAOK == 2)) or (!is_empty(DI6.NAOK) && (DI6.NAOK == 3)) or (!is_empty(DI6.NAOK) && (DI6.NAOK == 4)) or (!is_empty(DI6.NAOK) && (DI6.NAOK == 5))))" pt N N N 0 0 2605 Q : DI9 "(((!is_empty(DI8.NAOK) && (DI8.NAOK == 1))))" pt N N N 0 0 2691 SQ SQ001 1 "Child 1" pt N N 0 0 2696 SQ 1 SQ001 "If younger than 3 years, state how many months" pt N N 0 0 2692 SQ SQ002 1 "Child 2" pt N N 0 0 2697 SQ 1 SQ002 "If older than 3 years, state how old in years" pt N N 0 0 2693 SQ SQ003 1 "Child 3" pt N N 0 0 2694 SQ SQ004 1 "Child 4" pt N N 0 0 2695 SQ SQ005 1 "Child 5" pt N N 0 0 2646 Q M DI10 1 pt N N Y 0 0 2836 SQ SQ001 1 "Yes, of children" pt N N 0 0 2837 SQ SQ002 1 "Yes, of adult persons requiring assistance with activities of daily living due to old age/long-standing illness/disability" pt N N 0 0 2838 SQ SQ003 1 "No, I do not provide care to other people" pt N N 0 0 176 G 12 pt 2603 Q T FC1 "((C1.NAOK == ""Y"") and (C2.NAOK == ""Y""))" pt N N N 0 0 2602 Q T FC2 "((C1.NAOK == ""N"")) or ((C2.NAOK == ""N""))" pt N N N 0 0