Resources - Factsheets and Policy Briefs
Factsheet #1
RESET impact and lessons learnt in the area of gender-inclusive language and design of Gender Equality Plans
Factsheet #2
RESET impact and lessons learnt from gender main streaming training and use of digital tools for awareness and engagement
Factsheet #3
RESET impact and lessons learnt in the area of Gender Impact Assessment
RESET Policy brief #1
This policy brief highlights main results achieved during the first year of the RESET project and sheds the light on the difficulties encountered, addressing the issues that should be considered by the RPOs and RFOs within further gender mainstreaming and GEP making.
RESET Policy brief #2
This policy brief outlines main results of the RESET project after two and a half years of its implementation. It summarizes issues and challenges that should be addressed at the policy level of RPOs and RFOs to enable efficient gender and diversity mainstreaming and strengthening of the ERA.
RESET Policy brief #3
This policy brief outlines main results of the RESET project after four
years of its implementation. It summarises issues and challenges that
should be addressed at the policy level of RPOs and RFOs to enable
efficient gender and diversity mainstreaming and strengthening of the