Redesigning Equality and Scientific Excellence Together

Few words about the Project

RESET (Redesigning Equality and Scientific Excellence Together) envisions a human-centric, inclusive and diversity respectful approach for an intersectional approach to gender equality, as an EU project, funded by the Horizon 2020, empowered by 7 pioneering Universities across six EU countries.

In the next four years, partners will join forces to co-design and implement Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) with intense inclusion of all institutional ecosystems (students, faculty, administration, authorities) to inspire, motivate, empower, transform, and sustain gender balance at all academic and scientific career stages!

RESET’s toolkit enables the user to navigate through different sets of data (e.g. institutional gender equality data, countries indices, national data on gender and academia, etc.).

A place that promotes discussions and opinion exchange regarding gender equality-related topics. Feel free to join!

Main Objectives

RESET will address the challenge of Gender Equality in Research Institutions in a diversity perspective, with the objective to design and implement a user-centered, impact-driven and inclusive vision of scientific excellence.

Objective 1

Accomplishing change through Gender Equality Plans (GEPs)

Objective 2

Training to raise awareness, empower, act upon bias, debunk myths

Objective 3

Changing the institutional cultural framework to anchor equality and diversity

Objective 4

Changing the structure through the co-design of new processes

Objective 5

Supporting the inclusion of gender in research activities

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Featured News

The city of Thessaloniki, Greece, was the epicenter of pharmaceutical innovation and gender equality this …

Dear EU-funded sister projects, colleagues and friends committed to gender equality in research, higher education …

On Friday 27th September, the RESET team of the Univeristy of Bordeaux participated to the …

RESET partner –  Łódź University, has been supporting GEMMA student Yasmeen Alaa ElDin in the …

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