Resources - Deliverables

Toolbox for gender-neutral, diversity-oriented institutional communication (updated version)

RESET’s Toolbox for gender-neutral and diversity-oriented Communication (D5.4) was updated this summer and is now available in the new, expanded version.
The update includes a new chapter on diversity in communication, with a focus on non-discriminatory communication in relation to anti-racism, dealing with disability and LGBTQIA+.

Co-design starter kit

The co-design starter – kit introduces the notion of co-design, including its theoretical background, principles, and practices as well as offers support for its implementation. The latter is achieved by discussing aspects relating to how to take the context into account in co-design in different contexts as well as by offering a set of tools (example methods) to use within
different co-design practices. This starter kit is based on decades of research on participatory, user and human-centered design with different computing and design disciplines. Initial empirical research has also already been conducted in RESET partner universities on contextual factors shaping co-design of gender equality, from which some empirical insights are presented.

Requirements for the protection of personal data (POPD) – Data Management Plan

The document outlines the overall approach to data management and defines the dataset, standards and metadata, data-sharing and archiving and preservation with regards to data of the RESET project.

RESET Dissemination and Communication Plan, including links to Zenodo collection, website and dedicated pages on each partner institution website

The document outlines the overall dissemination and communication strategy of RESET project, defines the target audiences and describes the channels and methods to be used to achieve the maximum outreach of the project activities and results. In addition, it provided guidance on the implementation of the dissemination strategy by the project partners and clarified the roles and responsibilities in this regard. Furthermore, it established a monitoring framework and set specific KPIs to track the performance of the strategy to make the necessary adjustments when necessary.

RESET’s dissemination and communication plan is being updated every six (6) months to monitor the progress and effectiveness of the strategy and updated it when necessary.

GIA checklist and protocol in all project languages

Mainstreaming the gender dimension in research activities and outcomes is a topical challenge related to excellence. The gender dimension in research activities requires an ethically sound process in creating highquality results. Major research funding organisations are increasingly interested in analyses of the gender dimension in research, thereby challenging researchers to review their research plans accordingly. The Gender Impact Assessment (GIA) aims to tackle this challenge.

The checklist includes crucial points on inclusion of gender perspective in research as well as issues such as: a) gender composition of the research team, b) division of tasks, when relevant c) gender in relation to the collecting data and its representation in the data d) gender as an analysis category or gender as a tool of the data analysis. The GIA Protocol includes procedures that the organisations will commit to assess new research proposals from gender dimension as an everyday and regular practice of the university.

Gender Impact Assessment (GIA) guidelines

The guidelines introduce the idea behind the GIA, explain its benefits for high quality research and knowledge production and describe the implementation of the GIA protocol at RESET Universities.

Toolbox for gender-neutral, diversity-oriented institutional communication

Τhe Toolbox contains with a conceptual framework, that has a purpose to provide valuable information and knowledge around the necessity of gender-neutral, gender-sensitive as well as diversity-oriented forms of communication. It builds on the insights and achievements that are reflected in the Guidelines for gender-sensitive communication in research and academia (2021) of the project SUPERA – Supporting the Promotion of Equality in Research and Academia. Additionally, this toolbox enriches the focus on gender-sensitive communication with the notion of gender-inclusive forms of communication as well as an intersectional perspective on further dimensions of diversity.

RESET Joint statement on our engagement for equality, diversity and excellence in research

This joint statement of top management on their engagement for equality, diversity and excellence in research was prepared by the University of Bordeaux, with the collaboration of all RESET partners, as part of Work Package 6 – Act upon governance and upgrade existing excellence policy towards greater inclusiveness.

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