Gender Equality Survey for effective development

Co-desing and bottom-up development of GEPs stand at the core of RESET project. To assess the state play of gender equality in the RESET organizations and especially in GEP implementing partners (University of Bordeaux, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University of Łódź, University of Porto) but also to identify the needs of all the members of these organizations, RESET co-designed a Gender Equality survey. The survey adopted an intersectional approach, shedding light to the intersections of gender with other features (e.g. age, ethnicity, religion). It also combined quantitative and qualitative methodologies, thus building on objective indicators on gender representations across the institutions, and employee perceptions and experiences of inequalities. The outcomes of the survey implementation in each of the different GEP implementing partners formed the basis for the development of their GEPs addressing the needs of the organizations in terms of gender equality.

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