Inclusive Science Conference

Call for Posters

General Information

We are excited to invite submissions for the closing conference of the EU-funded RESET – Redesigning Equality and Scientific Excellence Together. Under the theme “Inclusive Science: Redesigned Scientific Excellence for Sustainable Futures”, this conference aims to spotlight transformative research that promotes gender equality and diversity as central components of scientific excellence and sustainable future-making within European universities and beyond.

This conference provides a pivotal platform for sharing your research with an international audience and for engaging in meaningful discussions on the role of gender equality and diversity in shaping sustainable and inclusive scientific futures. It’s an exceptional opportunity for early-career researchers to gain visibility and connect with established scholars in the field. We also invite colleagues from Horizon Europe projects to share their tools, measures, output, and results related to gender mainstreaming.

Important Dates

Extended Submission Deadline: 31.05.2024
Notification of Acceptance: 30.06.2024
Conference Dates: 07. & 08.10.2024

** Note that you will have to create an account (register) to CMT before submitting your abstract

Submission Guidelines & Poster Format

Posters should be submitted electronically until tba.
Posters should be prepared in English and be designed according to the following guidelines:

Format: The most suitable format for scientific posters is the A1 size (594 x 841 mm or 23.4 x 33.1 inches) in a vertical orientation. This size is large enough to display information clearly and can be easily viewed from a distance, making it ideal for conference settings where space might be limited and posters need to be legible for attendees walking by.

Clarity and Readability: Use a clear, easily readable font such as Arial, Helvetica, or Calibri with a minimum size of 24pt for text and 36pt for headings. Ensure adequate contrast between text color and background.

Visual Accessibility: Consider color blindness by choosing color schemes that are also distinguishable for people with color vision deficiencies. Avoid using color as the sole means of conveying information.

Images and Graphics: Ensure that all images and graphics are high resolution and clear. Clearly label each figure or table and add a brief description or legend. Ensure that all images used in the poster are either royalty-free or properly licensed, with appropriate credits given to the original creators.

Inclusive Language: Use inclusive language that addresses all genders and cultural backgrounds. Be aware of the cultural sensitivity of certain topics. In case you need guidance, we invite you to look at these ressources: Niebel Viktoria. (2022). Toolbox for gender-neutral, diversity-oriented institutional communication (2.0). Zenodo.

Structured Content: Organize your poster into clearly defined sections such as Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions. Use subheadings and bullet points to present information in an organized manner.

Contact Information: Ensure your contact information is clearly visible so that interested parties can ask further questions or initiate a discussion.

Conference Attendance: At least one author from each accepted poster must attend the conference and present the paper. Please make your travel plans as soon as possible and be aware of any possible immigration procedures (e.g., visa). 

Accessible Presentations: It is a good idea to make a soft copy of the script of your presentation available. You may include a disclaimer asking participants to refrain from distributing your presentation without your permission. Providing these soft copies will benefit Deaf and hard of hearing audience members, sign language interpreters, and anyone who processes better through text access rather than auditory information.

Speaking – Poster presentation

  • When a microphone is available, use it. Do not ask if everyone can hear you without a microphone. Doing so often excludes hard of hearing participants.
  • If audience members do not have access to a microphone, repeat their questions into your mic.
  • Always face your audience when speaking.
  • Speak at a moderate pace.
  • Try to be specific as you point to items on your poster. Rather than saying, “This,” refer to “this graph.”
  • Briefly describe the pertinent aspects of what you are displaying. This doesn’t require great detail, only to identify information relevant to the point you are making.
  • Do not ask your audience to read information on your slides silently. If it’s central to your presentation, read it aloud or paraphrase.
  • If sign language interpreters are present, speak at a moderate pace. Do not slow down or pause for them to finish. Direct your attention to the participant, not to the interpreter.

Themes for Submission

Submissions should align with the overarching theme of the conference, illustrating how inclusive approaches to science and gender equality contribute to redesigned scientific excellence and sustainable futures. We encourage submissions on the following topics:

Intersectionality and Diversity in Gender Equality at HEIs:

Contributions can focus on showcasing how intersecting social categories have a systemic impact on inclusive science practices and contribute to sustainable and equitable futures in academia.

Advancing Scientific Excellence Through Gender Equality:

In which regard do understandings of scientific excellence interrelate with institutional strategies, policies, and measures to strengthen gender equality in science? We welcome contributions that answer these questions with examples, tools, and measures from research and gender equality work targeting science and academia.

Addressing Gender Bias and Stereotypes in the Scientific Community:

Does your research target strategies for creating more inclusive and bias-free scientific communities, contributing to excellence and sustainability? Share them with us in your poster contribution!

Leadership and Decision Making:

Despite the increasing proportion of women among students and doctoral candidates, the phenomenon of the “glass ceiling” remains a barrier to women’s careers in science. How can this be countered? What alternatives towards inclusive leadership models exist that can improve decision-making processes, foster scientific excellence, and support future sustainability, while also advancing equality and diversity?

Co-Designing Equal Opportunities:

Contributions about the collaborative and inclusive approaches to address gender inequality in research, innovation, and policy, aiming for sustainable scientific and societal outcomes.

Fostering Work-Life Balance in Academic Culture:

Care work is unequally distributed between genders, and the compatibility of family and work also poses a risk to the career progression of women in science. We invite contributions that address these challenges and offer innovative solutions to achieve work-life balance, which is crucial for inclusive, excellent, and sustainable scientific careers.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

We invite researchers to submit an abstract for a poster presentation that provides informative and inspiring insights into their work. Abstracts of approx. 500 words (3000 char.) should include:

  • A concise title that reflects the focus of the research.
  • Reference to relevant literature to contextualize the research within the broader field.
  • An overview of the research question or objective.
  • A brief description of the methodology.
  • Key findings or insights.
  • Implications for gender equality, scientific excellence, and sustainability.

Abstracts should be submitted in English and must articulate how the research contributes to the conference’s theme of gender equality and inclusive science for sustainable futures.

Abstract submission is implemented through Microsoft’s CMT platform. Use the abstract submission link to redirect to the platform and submit your abstract after registering (create an account) to Microsoft CMT. After submitting your work, all the abstract management and corresponding notifications will take place through the CMT platform and notification emails.

Abstracts will undergo a peer-reviewed process with successful applicants notified by 30.06.2024. Please note that all presenters are required to register (free of charge) for their attendance at the conference.

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