Resources - GIA Checklist for Research Proposals

Sex, gender and intersectional analyses of the research content are crucial factors for the scientific excellence and success. The European Commission’s Horizon Europe research funding applications are required to include gender dimension into the research content. Thus the planning phase of the research becomes a focal point for targeted actions – ensuring that the research gaps are well defined, research questions detailed, and required data collection and analysis planned accurately – all aspects sensitive for sex and gender differences and considering needed intersections.

The RESET project tackles the challenge by mainstreaming Gender Impact Assessment (GIA) into the design of new research projects of the participating universities. Τhe RESET GIA guidelines and protocol were co-designed to inform and assist institutions to set up a support system for local researchers. The GIA checklist guides a researcher or a research group through EC application excellence, implementation and impact phases to analyse sex, gender and intersectional dimensions of their research under planning. The co-design process of the GIA checklist is ongoing until the end of the project and is aligned with a systematic follow-up procedure.

    Excellence - Planning Phase of the Research

    The excellence criterion focuses on clarity and pertinence of the project’s objectives, and the extent to which the proposed work is ambitious, and goes beyond the state-of-the-art. Soundness of the proposed methodology, including the underlying concepts, models, assumptions, interdisciplinary approaches, appropriate consideration of the sex and gender dimension in research and innovation content, and the quality of open science practices including sharing and management of research outputs and engagement of citizens, civil society and end users where appropriate are under the scope.

    Check if you have the sex and gender dimensions in research and innovation content properly taken into account e.g. topic choice, literature review, knowledge gaps, research question.

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    It is not uncommon for researchers to feel confused about some of the things concerning gender implications of research and there are good sources you can use to improve your knowledge in this field.


    Implementation - Execution Phase of the Research

    The implementation criterion analyses quality and effectiveness of the work plan, assessment of risks, and appropriateness of the effort assigned to work packages, and the resources overall. Capacity and role of each participant, and extent to which the consortium as a whole brings together the necessary expertise is evaluated in this section.

    Check if you have the sex and gender dimension in quality and effectiveness of the work plan properly considered.

    Check the way that you are planning to assemble the research team and means to influence in advance to a balanced composition of the research team.

    Impact - Dissemination Phase of the Research

    The impact criterion assesses credibility of the pathways to achieve the expected outcomes and impacts specified in the work programme, and the likely scale and significance of the contributions due to the project. Suitability and quality of the measures to maximize expected outcomes and impacts, as set out in the dissemination and exploitation plan, including communication activities will be evaluated.

    Check if you have the sex and gender dimensions in the pathways, impacts and contributions properly taken into account.

    Check societal effects of my research.

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