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Meet the Partners

university of bordeaux

University of Bordeaux

The University of Bordeaux is ranked among the top French universities for the quality of its education and research. A multidisciplinary, research-focused, international institution, it leads an ambitious development program with its partners to further promote Bordeaux as a “Campus of Excellence”.

University of Porto

The U.Porto combines high quality education focused on individual vocations and talents as well as market needs with the claim to being the greatest birthplace of science in Portugal. It is committed to converting into social assets the talent and innovation from its 14 faculties, one business school and over 50 research centres.

university of porto
aristotle university of thessaloniki

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is the largest university in Greece. The main campus is located in the centre of the city of Thessaloniki, and covers an area of about 33.4 hectares. It comprises 10 faculties which consist of 40 schools and 1 single-School Faculty. The strategic objectives of AUTh, in the framework of its vision and mission, remain high and consistently oriented to the continuation of its tradition, namely to be a pioneer institution, standing out among Greek and many foreign Universities on all levels: education, research, culture, connection with society.

University of Oulu

The University of Oulu is an international science university which creates new knowledge, well-being and innovations for the future through research and education. The University of Oulu, founded in 1958, is one of the biggest and the most multidisciplinary universities in Finland. In all its activities, the University of Oulu strives for excellent quality and high efficiency. Our researchers produce nearly 3000 scientific publications each year and several new research-driven startups arise yearly.

university of oulu

University of Lodz

The University of Lodz, with 12 Faculties, is a full-spectrum university offering a broad range of disciplines in its teaching and research activities, from natural and life sciences to social sciences and humanities. The university promotes the transfer of knowledge and offers junior scholars an outstanding level of education. The importance of the university’s research achievements is reflected in its steady increase in external funding in the past years and in the many prestigious research awards received by scholars of the University of Lodz.

Ruhr-University Bochum

Located in the heart of Europe in the dynamic metropolitan region of the Ruhrgebiet, RUB with its 20 faculties is home to over 43,000 students from over 130 countries. RUB owes its success in research to the close links between the disciplines on campus, which enable it to respond flexibly to current research questions. This approach makes RUB a place of top international research, which is integrated into the worldwide network of the most powerful scientific institutions in its priority areas.

ruhr university bochum
sciences po university

Sciences Po University

The Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (SciencesPo) is a fully-fledged, self-governing research university specialised in the social-economic sciences and the humanities which enrolls some 12,000 students per year, including 40% of foreign students from more than 130 countries. SciencesPo is the leading research institution in social sciences in France with 60 full-time professors, more than 200 researchers, 80 foreign professors invited each year and 400 academic partnerships with universities around the world. It is home to a doctoral school offering 7 graduate programmes and to 10 research centers. 17 of its research teams have been involved in FP6, and 30 in FP7 and H2020. SciencesPo is a signatory of The European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and has secured in 2017 the HR Excellence in Research award. The full endorsement of the objectives drawn in the present call are further evidenced by the fact that SciencesPo coordinated the EGERA project (FP7, 2013-2017) and was the first French university to receive the Gender Equality in the Workplace award granted by the AFNOR in 2018.

The team