In the aim of valuing RESET outputs while raising awareness on gender inequalities and discrimination in career paths at universities, the UBx RESET team created a board game: “Catch me if you can”.
For both personnel and students, this playful form of education is designed to address four main discrimination criteria: gender, age, origin and (dis)ability. It was designed to trigger discussions and sharing of experiences between participants.
In this game, you embody one of 10 characters representing the community of university in France. Each character has specific characteristics that will have an impact on their professional life. Throughout your character’s career, test your knowledge of the working environment at the University of Bordeaux, in France or in the European Union (based on data from She Figures), and reflect on the best ways to deal with situations of discrimination, and observe the inequalities that people may face in their academic career.
Through its intersectional dimension, based on both qualitative data from real-life situations and quantitative data representative of local, national and European realities, this game goes beyond the phenomenon of raising awareness of acts, to provide the keys to knowing how to react in situations of violence and discrimination.
The game was tested (and approved!) by RESET members during last consortium meeting in Porto, and will be disseminated in each partner organisation. It will also be used in French and other European higher education institutions.