RESET project is taking every opportunity to disseminate its ideas and learn from the experience of others.
In the aim to exchange of best practices, RESET team of University of Bordeaux met with a local network of Officers in charge of Equality, Diversity and Parity. The “hybrid” meeting took place on January 24, 2022 and integrated the officers and representatives in charge of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategies from Bordeaux city & metropolis’ municipalities, the Gironde department and the region of Nouvelle Aquitaine.
Besides the presentation of European policies in terms of equality and diversity and the introduction of RESET project, the most exciting part of discussion was around the actions and measures relevant for the Gender Equality Plans (according to the French law, each municipality of more than 20 000 of population has to establish its own Plan of Action for Equality). GEPs are proven to be the best tool to ignite the motivation of communities and employees to follow the strategy of equality. Namely, among the most interesting ideas suggested by members of this network, we can single out: nomination of referents and counterparts to promote social responsibility and equality within different services; organisation of the interactive Forum theatre that integrates teaching and performing via “setting up of situations”; creation of videos that display parenting role models.
This event constitutes a part of the larger series of “RESET : approaching the locality” events that support the co-design and participative strategy of the project: by listening to different internal and external stakeholders we aim for inclusiveness and excellence of our results.