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Democracy and Freedom: What Path to Gender Equality?

Democracy and Freedom: What Path to Gender Equality?

The RESET project with the support of the University of Porto, organised an event in partnership with APEM and UMAR and with the support of Casa Comum, with the title: Democracia e Liberdade: Que Caminho para a Igualdade de Género?” (Democracy and Freedom: What Path to Gender Equality? )

The debate aimed to bring the issue of women’s rights and the journey towards gender equality to the agenda of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April.

Benefiting from the vision of two Portuguese feminist associations, in the voice of Cristina C: Vieira (APEM) and Manuela Tavares (UMAR), we reflected on the challenges and achievements along the way, the role of women’s/gender/feminist associations and the role of society in this transformation towards equality.

In short, we looked at the past, the journey, but also the country’s future in terms of equality.

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