Resources - Campaigns

RESET’s Media Campaign FACES OF CAMPUS starts its second exhibition WORK=LIFE OF CAMPUS soon!

faces of campus campaign
reset media campaign work=life of campus

On 26th of April 2023, RESET will continue its media campaign FACES OF CAMPUS. In its second edition, the campaign focuses on the topic of work-life balance. Under the title WORK=LIFE OF CAMPUS, the project dedicates a digital exhibition to the efforts of scientists, students and universities to reconcile demands of science and private life at all RESET universities. WORK=LIFE OF CAMPUS will present, on the one hand, spaces and initiatives of our universities dedicated to the promotion of well-being. On the other hand, the project’s aim is to share the perspectives, experiences, and approaches of researchers, teachers and students to the challenges of work-life balance. In particular, we will highlight family factors from different perspectives, such as parenthood, and care for other family members.

Discussions in the RESET Forum:

As an interactive part of the campaign, university members of RESET universities are invited to openly discuss the challenges of balancing work, study and private life in the RESET Forum.

The discussions in the forum will start on May 15th 2023 and run until the 30th of June 2023, the end of the campaign. The forum can only be accessed by registered users of the universities.

With BI the project aims to draw attention to various contributors of the Scientific Excellence of RESET universities, who are often less visible in the research making processes. Therefore, this campaign favours cultural change and its second phase will continue in spring 2023. FACES OF CAMPUS highlights different aspects of working and studying together at our universities: namely, women’s contributions to scientific excellence through research support functions, family-friendliness and work-life-balance.

In 2022 – the campaign shed light on women in science and research support positions with the digital exhibition BEHIND THE SCENES. With 25 contributions from all RESET universities, the digital exhibition portrayed a variety of professionals in the field of science support.

Visibility Counts

In order to draw attention to the campaign and to feature the contributions of our colleagues who represent the variety of research supporting positions at our universities, we ask you to support our campaign by sharing its aim and the contributions from our university via the universities own media channels.

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