2022 autumn semester at the University of Bordeaux was highlighted by the dissemination of the Gender Equality Plan.
– Various stakeholders of the university, including members of the governance, reunited within the framework of a regular Gender Equality Board meeting dedicated to the subjects of gender-based violence and discrimination in academia (area 4 of the GEP). It included reporting on the evolution of institutional systems and presentation of the legal regulations applied to the sphere of universities. The second part of the session was organized in the form of workshops, one of which was centred around a « SWOT » matrix and common reflexion on the local context and efficiency of systems. Another workshop integrated a “game” format and aimed to raise awareness of forms of discrimination (according to the French law) and to identify situations and actions that could be developed in future GEPs.
– “Science coffee breaks” with researchers coming to the IEEE 34th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (2-3 Nov 2022) in Bordeaux. The RESET invitation to this event was received from a specific Chair for Diversity and Inclusion. The format included presentation of the poster and exchanges on the subject of Gender Impact Assessment (area 3 of the GEP).

– The RESET team of the University of Bordeaux demonstrated its creative and innovative skills and developed a board game that acknowledges gender inequalities in university careers (areas 1 & 2 of GEP). Various types of data collected within the RESET project served as a basis for this game tested with two local target groups:
- Administrative staff of the General Administration and Human Resources Unit
- Representatives of the top and middle management
The second group tried this game within a training event “Managing towards equality: challenges and practices”, which also included a workshop on gender-inclusive communication.

University of Bordeaux RESET team members also had the chance to present this game to all RESET partners during the Consortium meeting that took place on 28th and 29th Nov 2022, at the University of Oulu in Finland.

These types of events and workshops help to carry out actions embedded in the Gender Equality Plan of the University of Bordeaux and disseminate project’s results (Toolbox for gender-neutral, diversity-oriented institutional communication, joint roadmap for recruitment and career advancement, GIA checklist) in an interactive way.