Which aspects of your work/function do you appreciate the most?
I appreciate the possibility to work for the Bibliometric Team of the Oulu University Library on inspiring tasks. Publication metrics, all topical issues related to the responsible analysis of research and researchers, and research data management are interesting and developing constantly. Collaboration inside the university and with colleagues around Finland is active and fruitful.
What do you consider as the most important impacts of your work?
The shift from the traditional use of bibliometrics to the responsible use of publication metrics has brought a lot of new things and practices. Data management plan, DMP was launched for Finnish research organizations in 2015, and I was lucky to be part of the work. I am happy to be still part of research data support team at the university. I have also participated in many national expert groups promoting open and responsible science in Finland.
What aspects of your workplace do you perceive as supportive in order to be motivated?
Interesting and meaningful tasks and duties, flex-time and multi-site work are important for me. A positive work atmosphere and fair teamwork are significant. Development-friendly management culture is the basis of all. And of course salary is one motivation.
How would you define scientific excellence? What is Scientific Excellence for you?
Research is done in many disciplines with varying publishing practices. Research also produces much more than publications e.g. data. All research outputs and many kinds of activities are valuable and should be taken into account. Career paths and personal circumstances – especially for us women – can be different. The concept of scientific excellence is a multidimensional matter and cannot be expressed with indicators alone.